DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)

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       - steroid hormone


       - adrenal cortex

- converted to or acts like sex steroids (i.e., testosterone, estrogen)

       - not present in rodents  

Physiological activities

       - unknown

       - may increase or decrease insulin sensitivity

       - may increase or decrease  risk of myocardial infarction or other cardiac pathologies

       - may increase or decrease risk of death from MI or other cardiac pathologies

       - may decrease free radical damage to lipids

- may decrease use of pentose shunt

       - may decrease risk of cancers initiated or promoted by free radical damage  

Changes with aging

- decreases with aging

- age-related decreased DHEA correlated with age-related changes

- decreased melatonin

- decreased longevity

- decreased psychological status

- decreased IADLs

- increased cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, depression

- increased mortality in males  

Effects from DHEA Supplementation

       - highly variable research results due to:

- types of animal used (e.g., rats have little endogenous DHEA relative to humans)

- male versus female

- level of other sex steroids present

- diet (e.g., lipids)

- androgen or estrogen effects in different milieux

- DHEA acts like anti-estrogen in presence of high estrogen

- initial levels

- final levels

- age

- use pre-menopausal  or postmenopausal

       - reported beneficial results

- improved immune functioning

- improved self-reported "quality of life"

- increased muscle mass

- increased GH

- increased insulin sensitivity

- increased HDLs

- decreased blood cholesterol

- decreased serum LDLs

- decreased serum triglycerides

- decreased blood clot formation

- decreased body fat

- decreased atherogenesis

- decreased risk of certain cancers (e.g., breast, lung, colon, skin, thyroid, urinary bladder)

- reported adverse effects

- increased sebum secretion

- increased risk of liver cancer

- increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women

- increased risk of atherosclerosis in women  


- unknown effects

- unknown mechanisms of action

- metabolized to many unknown substances

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DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University  - agdigiovanna@Salisbury.edu