Editing Terms

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editing Terms


CUT AWAY     A cut to something that did not appear in the previous shot

EYELINE MATCH     A cut bases on the direction a character is looking off-screen toward another character

MATCH CUT     A cut in which a character's movement is perfectly aligned in both time and space from one shot to the next

REVERSE SHOT     A cut to a shot that mirrors the framing of the previous shot (opposite)

REACTION SHOT     A cut to a shot based on a character's response to the dialogue or action

CUT-IN     A cut that provides a closer view of some element seen in the previous shot

CUT ON ACTION     A cut that masks the edit by using the movement in one shot to draw the viewer's eye into the following shot

PARALLEL CUT or CROSS-CUT     Cutting that is often used to imply that two (or more) events are occurring simultaneously

FLASH CUT     Cutting to shots only few frames long to present brief images from the past or future that is almost subliminal

OVERLAP CUT     Editing sound and picture so that the actor's lines are heard while something else appears on screen

SOUND FLASHFORWARD    Editing sound and picture so that sound from the next shot is heard in the previous shot. 


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