Critique of a Research articleAssignment

Get a research article from a professional journal in the library. The analysis used must be either a sign test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, t-test (paired or independent samples), or Mann-Whitney U Test.

This should be typed in report form (paragraph form) addressing the following questions:

1. What is the researcher attempting to do?

2. Who (or what) is the target population?

3. How was the sample selected? Do you believe the data will be reliable?  Explain.

4. What variable(s) is/are being measured?  What is the measurement scale of the data collected for each variable?

5. Is this an example of a designed experiment, observational study, or neither one? Explain.

6. What statistical analysis was used? (It must be one that we discussed in class.)

7. Is this test (analysis) appropriate? Is it the most powerful or best test to use in this case? Explain.

8. If this analysis is not appropriate, what test would have been more appropriate? Why?

9. What is the p-value (observed significance level) of the test and what does this imply?

10.  Do the conclusions seem to follow from the analysis?  That is,  based on sampling method and analyses, do the conclusions seem accurate?

Other Directions:

- Must be typed in paragraph form. One sheet of paper.

- Turn in a Xeroxed copy of the article.

- This article must be approved by instructor.

- This assignment will be graded upon correct completion of the above questions and on following directions.

This assignment is worth 20 pts on Final Exam.

** note: You must sign up for your article.

Sign-up sheets will be provided.