Math 502 Applied Statistics 

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Information concerning requirements for the course, due dates, and faculty information may be accessed at policies

Course Outline

Descriptive Statistics

  1. Measures of Central Tendency
  2. Measures of Variation
  3. Measures of Relative Standing
  4. Chebyshev's Theorem and Empirical Rule


  1. Basic Probability
  2. Normal Distribution
  3. Sampling Distributions
    1. Properties of the sampling distribution of the sample mean
    2. Central Limit Theorem

Inferential Statistics

  1. Estimation
  3. Hypothesis testing

        1.  One Sample

        2.  Two sample (paired)

        3.  Two Independent samples

        4.  Chi-Square tests

        5.  ANOVA

        6.  Regression analysis

        7.  Other topics (Logistic regression, factor analysis, etc.)   


Click here to evaluate the course at any time throughout the semester.