Lab Assignment 1

For each assignment, you will use one of the MINITAB data sets.  For this first assignment, detailed instructions are provided.  For all lab assignments, please follow the instructions carefully, include all printouts and a typewritten summary of findings answering all questions that are posed in the assignment.

All lab assignments should be placed in a 3-ring binder or folder, not handed in loosely.

Each assignment is to be done independently with no assistance from classmates or peers.  You may seek help from me through questions in class or by coming to my office.  Monitors in the lab are available for assistance with MINITAB and computer related questions.

Grades will be based on effort, accuracy, neatness, organization, clarity of explanations, and following directions.

For this assignment you will use the RESTRNT.MTW data set.

-Print a copy of the description of your data set from MINITAB. This should be the first entry in your folder.

    Click on help> help     
    Double Click data sets in the left window
     Double Click sample data sets
    Scroll down to find RESTRNT.MTW ;  double click 
        click on Print
        close the help window

-Open the restrnt data file

       click on file>open worksheet
            click on "Look in Minitab Sample Data Folder" at the bottom of the window
            double click on restrnt.MTW
            click ok

-Perform Descriptive Statistics (Sales, Wages, Full time employees)

        click on stat>basic stat>display descriptive statistics
            double click sales in  left hand box to put it in variables box
            click OK

Repeat for Wages and Full-time employees

Notice that owner and typefood are coded with numbers.
We need to recode these into text so that one can more easily determine the type of ownership and type of food for the restaurants.

-Recode the owner variable.

       click on data>code>numeric to text
           double click on owner to put it in the 'Code Data from Colums' window
           double click on owner to put it in the 'Store coded data in colums' window
           type 1 in the Original Values window, tab over, type proprietorship in New window
           type 2 in the Original Values window, tab over, type partnership in New window
           type 3 in the Original Values window, tab over, type corporation in New window
           click OK

-Recode the typefood variable
        repeat the above steps replacing owner with typefood
        type 1, 2, 3 as Original Values and type the corresponding type of food names in the New windows (use your description sheet for this)

-Perform Descriptive Statistics for Sales by typefood

        click on stat>basic stat>display descriptive statistics
            double click sales in  left hand box to put it in variables box
            click in the BY VARIABLE window
            double click typefood
            click OK

-Perform Descriptive Statistics for Sales by owner

        (Repeat the steps above replacing typefood with owner)

Perform Descriptive Statistics for Wages by owner

        (Repeat the steps above replacing appropriate variables)

Perform Descriptive Statistics for Wages by typefood

        (Repeat the steps above replacing appropriate variables)


-Create Boxplots, Pie Charts, and Histograms

      - click on graph>histogram
        double click on Simple    
        double click on the variable (Sales)
            click OK
        right click on the graph window
        click on add>subtitle (or footnote) then type your name in the window that appears
        Note:  this puts your name in the graph window       
        click printer to print graph window
        close graph window by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of graph window

        (you do not have to save the graph)

       - repeat the above steps for wages

       - click on graph>boxplot
         double click on Simple
            double click sales 
            click OK
          repeat the steps above to enter your name in the graph window 
          print and close graph window

        - repeat for sales by owner
            click on graph>boxplot  double click on Simple
            double click sales 
            click multiple graphs
            click by variables
            Click in top window labeled By variable with groups in separate panels
            double click owner
            click OK, click OK

        put your name in the graph
        print and close graph window

        - click on graph>pie chart
            click in the Categorical Variable  window
            double click typefood to put it in the window
            click OK
          put your name in the graph
          print and close graph window

-to print the session window

        click anywhere in the session window to highlight the bar at the top of the window
        click on printer icon.
        click ok


If you click the printer when the worksheet window is highlighted, it will be printed. I do not want this included.

Please include in your folder the following:

-the data set description from the help menu.
-the session window with your descriptive statistics.
-each of the graph windows printed above.
-clearly written statements (complete sentences) answering the following questions:

    1.  What percent of the restaurants are fast food?

    2.  What percent of the restaurants are corporations?

    3.  What were the sales in 1979 of the lowest earning restaurant?

    4.  What is the average gross sales?

    5.  What is the average sales among the supper clubs?

    6.  What is the average wage paid by corporations?

    7.  What is the average sales among the partnership restaurants?

    8.  Fifty percent of the restaurants earn less than what amount in sales?

    9.  The upper 25% of the sales are above _________.

   10.  Seventy-five percent of wages are below _____________.

   11.  The lower 25% of the sales are below _________.

   12.  The middle 50% of the fast food restaurants have sales between _________ and _______.

   13. What is the highest amount of sales earned?  By what type of restaurant? (type of food?,  type of ownership?)

   14.  What is the highest wage earned?  By what type of restaurant? (type of food?,  type of ownership?)

   15.  Which type of ownership has the greater number of outliers among sales?

   16.  Use the descriptive statistics to determine which values of Sales are considered outliers for the Partnership restaurants (show your work).

   16.  Discuss why there is a 4th boxplot for "owner"?  What does this represent or imply to you?