Lab Assignment 2

I. Obtain the description of the 'Health' data from the help menu within Minitab.

II. Recode nominal type variables from numeric to text. Use data>code> numeric to text.

III. Provide Descriptive statistics for the interval/ratio variables.

IV. Create a crosstabulation table for Gender vs. Smoker.

V. Use these to answer the following questions:

1. If one of these students was selected at random, what is the probability that

a. The student is a female?

b. The student is a smoker?

c. The student a male smoker?

d. Given the student is a smoker, the student is a female?

2. What is the average systolic blood pressure for smokers?

3. What is the average systolic blood pressure for non-smokers?

4. How old is the oldest student in this sample?

VI. Perform a normality test (with normal probability plot) on the systolic blood pressures. Based on this test, would you conclude that the systolic blood pressures of all students in the population are normally distributed? Explain why or why not?



VII.  Test to determine whether the average systolic blood pressue of all students in the population is less than 118.  Use the most appropriate test.  State all hypotheses, decision rule, p-value, decision, and conclusion.

VIII. Perform the appropriate test to determine if the average height of the students in the population is greater than 164cm. Explain why you used the test you used.  Provide your hypotheses, decision rule, conclusion, etc. Follow the steps on the sheet provided.

IX. Is there a difference in the average volume of air exhaled after a regular breath and the average volume of air exhaled after a deep breath? To answer this use the best (most powerful test) in your opinion. Use alpha =.05. Discuss why you used this particular test (type of design, distribution assumptions, etc.) and provide all steps and a clearly written conclusion.