Dr. Barbara Wainwright

 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

OFFICE:  Henson Science Hall, Room 118

PHONE: (410) 543-6477

 Statistical Thinking Laboratory

Lab Requirements:

Class attendance:  The activities in this course are designed to be used within the lab where conversations and collaborations among students and between students and faculty can occur. Neither of these can occur without attendance in the lab, where "attendance" means both physical presence and active participation in that day's designed activity.  However, if you do miss a lab, you are still responsible for turning in a lab report.  Students who are present and actively participating in the activity of the day will earn 100 as the attendance grade that day.  Students who leave before completing the lab or who are not engaged in the activity assigned, will earn 70 as the grade.  A zero attendance grade will be given for an absence.

Lab Reports:  In each lab period, students will conduct an activity to learn statistics, to develop statistical thinking, as well as to learn how to use Minitab and web-based materials to support statistical thinking. As students complete the activity, they will complete a report summarizing the results of the activity, answering questions, and illustrating the main points using output and graphs generated by Minitab or the applets. For guidelines to writing lab reports and how they will be graded see lab report template.

The reports for Lab 1  are due on Thursday Feb. 8

The reports for Lab 2  are due on Thursday Feb. 15

Lab 3:  bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 4: bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 5:  ReviewLab,  turn in on Friday Mar. 2 (next day)

Lab 6 : bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 7: turn in ful report Mon. Mar. 26

Lab 8: bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 9:  bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 10:  bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 11: turn in full report Mon. Apr. 23

Lab 12:  bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

Lab 13:  bring to class for discussion/possible quiz

I strongly encourage you to read my comments on the first two reports carefully when they are returned. Make useful notes to yourself on the labs as they are returned; this will make writing future labs much easier.

Tips for good lab reports:

1.    See lab report template.

2.    Please read this link http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling before writing your reports.

3.    See Example of a poor lab report and good lab report.

Assignments collected for grades are to be completed independently.  Cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Student's Office and will go into your file.  Please read the campus policy.

Final Exam:   For part of the final exam, you will be asked to show  basic proficiency with Minitab and also to support statistical thinking with MINITAB.  



Attendance: 30%
Lab Reports: 70%

All cell phones should be turned off during class time.  Cell phones are not allowed as calculators.  NO TEXT MESSAGING!!

NOTE:  To receive full credit for attendance, you must be actively engaged in the lab project, not just physically present.



 Also be aware/read of the course repeat policy at http://www.salisbury.edu/henson/advising/course_repeat_policy.html

 Student Disability Support Services: http://www.salisbury.edu/students/dss/

Since writing is an important component of this course, you may want to visit the University Writing Center: http://www.salisbury.edu/uwc/


Please recall that Friday, April 6 is the End of the Schedule Adjustment Period - Last day to withdraw from course without grade penalty.