Online Curriculum Resource Binder

for Math ADEPT'S

Math 503:  Data Analysis

Dr. Barbara Wainwright


Course Highlights:

Key Elements:

   Summarizing data:  Numerically and Graphically

    Reading & interpreting graphs

    Statistical Reasoning

    Weekly assignments

    Group work/experimentation

    Technology:  Second half of class meeting is held in computer lab;  statistical

                          software and graphical calculators used.


Assignments/Pedagogical Focus

    Pre/Post assessment

    Final Course Portfolio

    Revised lesson plan/Oral presentation

    Group project/ Group oral presentation:  teachers collect data to answer a statistical question of interest involving their students or colleagues.

Content Focus

    Collection & summarization of data

    Graphical interpretation of data

    Understanding variation

    Theoretical vs. Empirical probability:  comparison through experimentation


    Decision making/ Hypothesis testing

More About the course:

Course description


Class policies and requirements

Class Activities


Modified Lesson Plans

Course Portfolios

