The Black Hills, looking at the "Red Racetrack",
center and the sandstone hogback ridge, left
The Black Hills, looking at the monoclional dip slope
of the carbonates
Mountain Meadow fluvial/alluvial terrace in "Red
Racetrack" outside Sturgis, SD.
Rapid terrace along Redwater River shown in foreground.
Hogback shown in background.
Terraces in the southeastern Black Hills. Yellow
= Farmingdale,
White = Strugis, Pink = Rapid
Terraces in Government Valley, outside Sundance,
WY. Orange = Mountain Meadow
Rapid terraces SW of Sundance, WY. The picture is
deceiving as the terraces are all at the same elevation.
Cenozoic badland forming deposits in the southeastern
Black Hills between Cheyenne and White Rivers
A string of Mountain Meadow terraces across Centennial
Prairie, showing old path of Spearfish Creek
Mouth of Spearfish Canyon. Rapid terrace on left
showing former stream path. Blue arrow = current path
Prairie east of Spearfish, SD. Note hogback ridge on left |
Mountain Meadow Terrace along False Bottom Creek,
outside Spearfish, SD
Belle Fourche River at southern edge of Stoneville
Flats. Rapid terrace grades into Stoneville Flats, right.
The Little Missouri River at the northern end of
Stoneville Flats. Note Mountain Meadow terrace in back.
Stoneville Flats looking southward.
Slump in Mountain Meadow Terrace outside Alzada,
MT. Note car for scale