M. Walsh, Ph.D., RN
Office: Devilbiss Hall – Office 207
Telephone: 410-548-4785
Fax: 410-548-3313
Positions Held
- Professor of Nursing Salisbury University 1988-2012
- Associate Chair 1996-2003
- Professor of Practice 2012-
Honors, Memberships
- Sigma Theta Tau, Lambda Eta Chapter
- Phi Kappa Phi, University of Maryland Chapter
- Kappa Delta Phi, Iota Upsilon Chapter
Institutions Attended
- Ph.D. University of Maryland, College Park
- M.S. Salisbury State University
- B.S. Salisbury State College
- B.A. Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Dissertation: Critical Thinking Disposition of
University Students in Practice Disciplines (Nursing, Education, and
Business) and Non-Practice Disciplines (English, History, and
Psychology): An Exploratory Study
Recent Articles
Hinderer, K.A., DiBartolo, M.C., Walsh, C.M. (2014). Examination of
the A2 Admissions Test as a valid and reliable measure for
undergraduate nursing admission. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(5),
DiBartolo, M.C. & Walsh, C.M. (2010). Desperate times call for
desperate measures: Where are we in addressing academic dishonesty?
[Guest Editorial]. Journal of Nursing Education, 49(1),
Walsh, C.M., Seldomridge, L.A., & Badros, K.K.
(2008). Developing a practical evaluation tool. Nurse Educator .
Walsh, C. M., Seldomridge, L. A., & Badros, K.
K. (2007). California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory: Further factor
analytic examination. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104, 141-151.
Walsh, C. M., & Seldomridge, L. A. (July-Aug
2006). Measuring Critical Thinking: One step forward, one step back. Nurse
Educator, 31(4), 159-162.
Walsh, C. M., & Seldomridge, L. A. (June 2006).
Critical thinking: Back to square two. Journal of Nursing Education, 45(6),
Seldomridge, L. A., & Walsh, C. M. (May-June
2006). Measuring critical thinking in graduate nursing education: What do we
know? Nurse Educator, 31(3), 132-137.
Seldomridge, L. A., & Walsh, C. M. (April 2006).
Evaluating student performance in undergraduate precepted clinicals. Journal
of Nursing Education 45(4), 169-176.
Badros, K. K., Seldomridge, L. A., & Walsh C. M.
(July/August 2005). Issues in Critical Thinking Measurement of Advanced Practice
Students, Nurse Educator, 30(4), 139-140.