Links for Mathematical Models & Applications


The Modeling Process Discussed or Illustrated:

A Short Introduction to the Modeling Process (Dan Maki)

A Discussion by J. Morrow (Mount Holyoke)

The Modeling Cycle (Meaningful Math Project)


The Authors of Our Textbook:

Daniel P. Maki's Home Page

Maynard Thompson's Home Page


Links Related to Specific Models:

Patterns of Inheritance (Peas & Probabilities)

Mendel's Rules of Chance Illustrated

Growth of Bacterial Populations

Collecting Tokens

Predator-Prey  (Link #1)

Predator-Prey  (Link #2)

The Lotka-Volterra Model (Alexei A. Sharov, Department of Entomology, Va.Tech)

Modeling Basics (Estimating Parameters in Predator-Prey)  (P. Howard, Fall 2007, Texas A & M)

Lotka-Volterra Models (Joseph Mahaffey, San Diego State University, 2001)

Random Numbers in Excel

Markov Chain Processes (MCP)

Chutes & Ladders as a MCP

A Chapter on MCPs (11.1 & 11.2 are most useful.)

Examples of MCPs

Row Operations Pivot Tool

Matrix Algebra Tool for MCPs

Simplex Algorithm Discussion

Simplex Algorithm Tool

Another Simplex Algorithm Tool

A Good Simplex Algorithm Tool in Java

Min-Cost Network Simplex Pivot Tool

Voting and Elections (Joe Malkevitch)