Mathematical Models Projects


  1.   The Moose and Wolves of Isle Royale 

Present a mathematical (spreadsheet) model for the wolf-moose-balsam fir interaction on Isle Royale. 

Reference:  McLaren, B.E. & Peterson, R.O., Wolves, Moose, and Tree Rings on Isle Royal, Science, 266 (1994) 1555-1558.




  1. The Shortest Route Problem 

Present an algorithm for finding the shortest route between two locations on a map.

Reference:  Anderson, David R, Sweeny, Dennis J., & Williams, Thomas A., An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, 11th Edition, Thompson South-Western, 2005, 429-441

K: Drive Resource:  K:/MATH/MATH465/PowerPointSlides/MS1109.ppt



  1. The Maximal Flow Problem

Present an algorithm to determine the maximum amount of flow that can enter and exit a network system in a given period of time.

Reference:  Anderson, David R, Sweeny, Dennis J., & Williams, Thomas A., An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, 11th Edition, Thompson South-Western, 2005, 442-445

K: Drive Resource:  K:/MATH/MATH465/PowerPointSlides/MS1109.ppt



  1. The Spread of an Epidemic (or Rumor)  David Livingston & Henry Harrison

Present a mathematical (spreadsheet) model for the spread of an epidemic or rumor.

Reference:  Neuwrith, E. & Arganbright, D., The Active Modeler: Mathematical Modeling with Microsoft®Excel, Thompson Brooks.Cole, 2004, 32-40.




  1. Project Scheduling:  PERT/CPM  (Katie Froelicher, Rachael Linonis)

Present a method for planning, scheduling, and controlling activities within a complex project.

Reference:  Anderson, David R, Sweeny, Dennis J., & Williams, Thomas A., An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, 11th Edition, Thompson South-Western, 458-467.

K: Drive Resource:  K:/MATH/MATH465/PowerPointSlides/MS1110.ppt


6.  Allocating Teachers

      Pages 272-273 in our text.