Instructor: Don C. Cathcart


Office: PP 103

Phone: 543-6470

Office Hours: 2:00-3:00 MWF; 11:00-12:00 TR

It is expected that students will attend all class sessions and participate constructively in class discussions and activities. Notes, handouts, activities, and assignments may not be available to those missing classes. However, assignments and other important announcements will be sent to you via e-mail. Late assignments will not be accepted. (A few missed classes or assignments probably won't affect your grade. However, frequent absences will probably lead to a lower grade.) Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the assigned due date. If you have a good reason for not turning in an assignment, state that fact in writing and give a note to your instructor.

Please do not wear a hat, use tobacco, or eat, or drink in the classroom. In general, conduct yourself in a manner consistent with proper classroom decorum.

Your student account on the campus network must be activated as soon as you begin this class, and you will be required to check our e-mail on a regular basis. Additional information about this class -- including this document and possibly future assignments -- will be sent out on e-mail or posted on one of your instructor's Web pages.

In preparing your written work, explain your thought process and provide justification for your conclusions. Neatness, correctness, and style will be considered in the evaluation of your papers. Although you are encouraged to work in small groups on your assignments, all work submitted under your name should represent your current understanding of the problems involved and should not be the copied work of another person.

Objectives or study guides will be provided for each exam. Your instructor will not provide solutions for problems on study guides. If you cannot make a scheduled test or exam session, notify your instructor at the earliest possible date. You are not guaranteed the right to a make-up test.

Do not call your instructor for information concerning your course grade. If you leave a self-addressed, stamped postcard, your exam score and course grade will be sent to you.

Remember that October 31 is the last day that you can withdraw from this class and receive a grade of "W."

Mark/Minimum Grade


DCC/dcc 8/97

Look at the MATH 465 home page.

Look at the MATH 165/200 home page.

Look at the instructor's home page.

Look at the Salisbury State University home page.