MATH 306 Linear Algebra Section 001
Spring 2020

Important Policies and Procedures


HENSON COURSE REPEAT POLICY  (which is particularly important if you have previously taken this course)  

Students may repeat courses offered by the Henson School of Science and Technology one time at Salisbury University (SU) without special permission.  These include courses with prefixes BIOL, CHEM, COSC, ENGR, GEOG, GEOL, MATH, PHYS, for which the student earned any grade (B, C, D, F, PS, I, W, WP, WF, NGR or Audit).  Students should take note that grades of W, WF or WP earned by withdrawing from a class after the schedule adjustment period (typically the first week of the semester for spring/fall and the first three days for summer/winter) are considered grades and are subject to this policy.  Exceptions are those courses that may be repeated for credit (e.g., BIOL 490, CHEM 499). A lso, some majors may limit students to a single repeat of specific courses (see requirements for your major).

Students who wish to repeat a course a second time (third enrollment) must seek approval from the Henson Dean’s Office by completing Henson School of Science and Technology Course Repeat Request form. Completion of this process does not guarantee enrollment for a third time as enrollment will depend upon a compelling plan for success and available seats in the course. Students will not be allowed to enroll in a course for a fourth time unless there are extremely extenuating circumstances.

GRADES DO NOT TRANSFER FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS  Please note that all SU grades appear on student’s transcript.  For undergraduate courses, the grade from the most recent attempt at SU is used to calculate grade point averages, even if that grade is lower than the first time the student took the course.  Students transferring credits from other institutions should be aware that these courses may complete degree requirements, but grades earned in these transferred courses will not be used in SU GPA calculations and do not replace any grade earned in the equivalent course at SU.

All the course materials that I create and distribute (including lectures) are considered my original works and are thus protected by federal copyright law.  You are permitted to take notes of lectures and to possess course materials for your own use.  You may not record (audio or visual) lectures without my consent.  You may not publicly distribute or display (or allow anyone else to publicly display or distribute) these course materials or lecture notes without my permission.  Notes from this course may be shared at your discretion with another student who is currently enrolled in the course.  It is against federal copyright law to share materials from this course for compensation.

FAIR TREATMENT OF EVERYONE:  The Department of Mathematics & Computer Science believes that every person deserves to be treated with respect.  We are dedicated to fostering a teaching and learning environment in which all people feel free to share their unique experiences, backgrounds, perspectives, ideas, and identities.

Dave Parker's Class Information and Policies



         Click on this link to get a good general outline of the course, the text, etc.  Please note that a C or better in MATH 202 is a prerequisite for taking this class.  If you have any question about your readiness for this class, please see me immediately!

               Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri    11:00 - 11:50 AM   in HS 111



       700 points total:
          Three tests, 100 points each:         300 points;
          Final Exam:                                     200 points;
          Homework                                      200 points.
                                                                700 points

       90-100% A,   80-89.9% B,   70-79.9% C,   60-69.9% D,   Below 60% F.  NOTE:  I will compute your course grade twice, once ignoring homework (using only the  tests and the final exam with a total of 500 points), and again including the homework score (the 700 points listed immediately above).  Whichever is better will be your course grade.  However, because  tests and the final exam are all based upon the material in the homework, it is unlikely that your grade without the homework included will be higher than your grade including homework.   



        Your name on any work you turn in (homework, quiz, exercise, program, examination, term paper, etc.) certifies that you attest to ALL of the following:
  • Either the work is entirely your own, or
  • If it contains work by anyone else, such work by others is completely and fully noted or quoted, or
  • If you received help from anyone else that help is acknowledged, or
  • If you worked with others (which is encouraged!) you have indicated their names; 
  • Moreover, the work is only for this course and will not be utilized in any other course (unless I have given you written permission to do so);
  • Finally, the work was completed by you this semester for this course and is not work which you (or anyone else) had completed previously.
  •         I will consider any work submitted by you which violates any of the above  to constitute plagiarism, and I will give you an "F" in the course and I will notify the Dean of Students Office about your academic misconduct.  In case of particularly egregious violations, I will recommend the student(s) involved be academically dismissed from the University.

            Assisting or allowing another student to commit plagiarism is also academic dishonesty, and the same penalties will apply.  You are expected to take all reasonable and prudent steps to assure that your work is not copied or reproduced by others.

            I encourage students to work together on assignments, but there is a difference between cooperative learning and academic dishonesty.  As long as the final result is your own individual work, and you have made clear anything which another named person actually did and you have indicated the help you have received and the persons with whom you have worked, you have not committed plagiarism.

              Obviously there will be no conversations during tests and exams.  Similarly, absolutely no electronic devices (calculators, PDA's, cell phones, etc.) may be used - or even be visible during tests and examinations.   

              Please note:  According to SU policy, any course grade of F given because of academic dishonesty will remain on the student's record, will be computed in the student's GPA, and will not be removed if the course is repeated.  Moreover no student with such an F grade may receive academic honors at graduation.

            Other than this statement of policy, there will be no warnings concerning this matter.



            All tests and exams are comprehensive.  Approximately 75% of each test or exam will cover routine material and will be based upon assigned homework and assigned readings.  (The precise material which each exam covers will be indicated in class prior to the exam.)  Makeup's will NOT ordinarily be provided and a score of zero will be recorded if a student misses an test or exam.  Exceptional circumstances beyond the student's control are the only excuses justifying makeup's.

              No electronic devices of any kind (calculators, PDA's, cell phones, etc.) may be used (or even be visible) during tests and exams.  You must turn off your cell phone during tests and exams.  If your telephone rings during a test or exam, I will collect your paper immediately. 


           The material on any test (but not the final exam) may be re-tested, subject to the following conditions:


            Homework will be assigned in this course, and a significant portion of your grade will depend upon your success in completing it.  Moreover the tests and exams will be based upon the homework.  Consequently there will be a homework assignments nearly every class, and each one is due at the beginning of the next class (unless otherwise announced).

            The purpose of homework is primarily to give you practice as an aid to learning.  It is assumed, therefore, that you already understand what you are doing before you attempt the homework.  It is almost certainly a complete waste of time to attempt to work homework problems if you do not understand the examples worked in class and in the text.  (Under these circumstances you may be able to do the homework, but you will learn nothing.

            Throughout much of the semester, you will be unable to understand the new material unless you have mastered the previous material.  The easiest way to succeed is to master each idea as it is presented in class and in the book.  If you study so that you master material in this way, exams and tests become things to review for -- not things to study for.  LEARN AS YOU GO!  

            In particular you are expected to study (and memorize if necessary!) the definitions, terminology, and concepts IMMEDIATELY after they are presented in class, and you are IMMEDIATLY expected to use them to solve problems.  The tests and exams will attempt to determine if you both know the definitions, terminology, and concepts - and can solve problems similar to those assigned for homework.

           Your total number of homework points will be twice the percentage of points you earn, regardless of either the number of actual assignments or the number of points for each one.



        If you plan to miss a class, you may turn in the entire assignment anytime prior to the start of class and your homework will be graded and counted (even if a quiz is given that day). Under unusual circumstances the instructor may allow students to turn work in late for credit, or may give a short oral or written quiz instead of collecting homework. If due to unavoidable accident or circumstances beyond your control you are unable to attend class, the instructor may allow work to be turned in late for credit if you notify him promptly. In summary, if you know you are going to miss class, either turn in the entire assignment early or make arrangements with the instructor in advance. If you miss due to an unavoidable crisis or accident, make arrangements with the instructor as soon as possible.



    Each assignment will typically be worth ten points, but longer assignments/projects may be worth more.  (In that case the number of points will be announced when the assignment is made.)


     Your final homework score will be twice the percentage of homework points you earn.

           Late work will be graded and returned but will not normally be counted.



           You must activate your on-campus computer account, including the SU GroupWise e-mail system.  I will use the SU GroupWise e-mail system for most out-of-class communications.  Moreover the University will send important official  announcements (including reminders about deadlines) to you using your on-campus e-mail account.  Please read your e-mail messages frequently -- and certainly whenever you logon to the campus network.  If you have an off-campus e-mail address, you can set GroupWise e-mail to forward messages to your other account(s).  However if forwarding fails to work correctly, you are still responsible for messages sent to your on-campus account. 


            I believe that regular attendance of class is an essential part of this course. However, each student is assumed to be mature enough to make his/her own decisions in this matter, and as a consequence attendance in this course is optional, subject to the following conditions:



            In recent years it has become popular to compare universities to businesses, with students viewed as "customers," university presidents as "CEO's," degrees as "products," and the classroom as "the workplace." Within certain limits, I am willing to endorse that analogy.  However, I absolutely do not subscribe to the various versions of, "The customer is always right."  If you view yourself as a customer and I am the salesman, we need to make clear exactly what you are buying!

    HOW IT IS: Effort, Accomplishments, Your Job, Your Pay



            The material in this course will be covered rapidly, and it is dangerous to fall behind!  If you miss class, try to get the notes from someone who was there.  (My own notes may not be of much use to you because they are almost always just an outline of what I present.)  Keep up - and succeed!  If you start getting behind, come see me IMMEDIATELY!   

    SOME IMPORTANT SU POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND RESOURCES (a few of which are also repeated elsewhere in my class policies) ARE LISTED BELOW. 

    Registration Add/Drop/Withdraw Period  Students may drop part or all of their course load through self-service on their GullNet accounts. If students wish to withdraw completely from the University, they should complete and submit a Withdrawal form, available in GullNet. Failing to attend classes does not constitute an official withdrawal or relieve students from their financial obligations to the University. Students failing to comply with procedures for official withdrawal and/or official dropping of courses risk receiving a grade of F in the courses at issue and will forfeit all right to refunds which might otherwise be made. Detailed procedures for official withdrawal from the University and official dropping of courses, including deadlines for submitting the forms necessary for the disbursement of refunds, are available on the University website ( and

    Academic Misconduct Policy  Integrity is a principle that permeates all the activities of the University and guides the behavior of faculty, students and staff. The spirit of academic integrity denotes adherence to the precept that one's work is one's own.  To learn about Salisbury University's Academic Misconduct Policy and information about plagiarism, refer the following resources:  Academic Misconduct Policy

    Henson Course Repeat Policy  Students may repeat courses offered by the Henson School of Science and Technology one time at Salisbury University without special permission. This policy applies to all undergraduate courses offered in the Henson School of Science, effective academic year 2013-2014.  For more information please see the Henson School of Science and Technology.

    Center for Student Achievement  The Center for Student Achievement offers students opportunities to make the most of their out of class study time. Students are encouraged to participate in structured study such as Supplemental Instruction and Tutoring. Students looking for additional assistance with study strategies and time management should make an appointment for an academic coaching session. The CSA offers a comfortable space to study and engage in study groups with peers. For more information and hours of operation visit

    Disability Resource Center  Any student registered with the Disability Resource Center who would like to utilize approved accommodations in their courses should contact their faculty member as soon as possible to arrange a meeting to coordinate any and all accommodations.   Students with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services, and/or modifications to University policies, through the DRC by following the DRC's procedures for Requesting Accommodations, Modifications, Aids, and Services
    For more information, refer to our Disability Resource Center page at:
    Or contact the office at:    Disability Resource Center
                                                Guerrieri Student Union (GUC) 263 
                                               410-543-6070 or ext 36070

    Writing Across the Curriculum  Since 1984, Salisbury University has been committed to assisting out students to improve their writing via writing assignments in every academic course per a national program known as Writing Across the Curriculum. For more information visit the University Writing Center.

    University Writing Center  At the University Writing Center (UWC), trained peer consultants are available to work with students at any stage of the writing process. Located on the second floor of the Guerrieri Academic Commons, the UWC offers a place where writers can meet to talk about their papers and projects. In addition to the important writing instruction that occurs in the classroom and during office hours, students are also encouraged to make use of this important service. For more information and to make appointments, visit the UWC’s website at: University Writing Center

    Inclement Weather Policy  Should inclement weather result in classes being canceled information will be given to all local radio and television stations. Students can receive information concerning cancellations by listening to local stations, visiting the SU website or by calling the Gull Line at (410) 546-6426.