Using the Borland C++ Debugger

A debugger allows you to view the values of your variables in a "watch window" as the program is executed. It also allows you to step through your program one instruction at a time, which lets you watch your variables as they change.

These notes give you a brief introduction to the Borland C++ debugger. However, if you use another programming environment, you will likely have a debugger at your disposal, and it will likely have the same features outlined below. Learning how to use a "debugger", regardless of the language which you use, is an important part of programming today.

This handout will get you started. You will be expected to use it the debugger for the remainder of your programming for COSC120, COSC220, and other courses requiring programming in C++.

The debugger will not work if your program has syntax errors and/or doesn't link properly.

A. Starting a Debugging Session.

B. The Watch Window.

C. So what?

D. Using Breakpoints

E. To Run the Program to the Cursor Position:

F. To RESET the program so that it is ready to execute from the beginning again:

G. To QUIT the debugger:

H. General information on speeding up compile time and link time.