Binary tree
Prelab Tasks:
Review what we learned about tree and binary tree.
Read and understand
Read d_tnodel.h and
understand functions: buildTree, depth, deleteTree, clearTree, countLeaf
Lab Tasks:
1. This lab task will count one child nodes in a tree:
Declare and define the function countOneChild in
a file named countOneChild.h.
The function will counts the number of interior nodes in a binary tree having
one child.
Write a program in a file named Lab03_01.cpp
that will test the countOneChild function for
Tree 1. [Hint: mimic buildTree
function from "d_tnodel.h" to allocate nodes
for Tree 1.]
Run your program and print out the outputs.
2. This lab task will find a maximum value in a binary tree.
Declare and define the function max in a file
named max.h that will return the
maximum value in a tree.
Write your program in a file named
Lab03_02.cpp to display the maximum value in the integer tree created by the
function buildIntTree( ) for Tree 2
Using buildTree function
in d_tnodel.h as a model, implement a
function buildIntTree function that builds the integer tree for
Tree 2:
The tree in this question is binary tree not
binary search tree. You need to use "d_tnode.h"
to declare tnode objects.
Run your program and print out the outputs
What to Turn In
Hand in all source codes (except provided
d_tnodel.h and d_tnode.h) and sample
outputs to the instructor.