Tree Traversals
Prelab Tasks:
1. Review what we learned about binary tree traversal and understand different orders of nodes: in-order, pre-order, post-order, level-order.
Read and understand d_tnode.h
3. Read d_tnodel.h and understand functions: inorderOutput, postorderOutput, levelorderOutput
Lab Tasks: In this lab, we’ll
apply the prefix order of the binary tree to output arithmetic expression. An
arithmetic expression involving the binary operators such as +, -, *, and / can
be represented by using a binary expression tree.
In a binary expression tree, each operator has two children, which are
either operands or subexpressions. Leaf nodes contain an operand; nonleaf nodes
contain a binary operator. The left and right subtrees of an operator describe a
subexpression that is evaluated and used one of the operands for the operator.
More details can be found online:
1.1 a*b
1.2 a+b*c
1.3 a+b*c/d-e
Write a program that inputs an infix expression and creates an expression tree; output the prefix form of the expression; output posfix form of the expression by traversing the tree using postorderOutput(); and dispaly the tree by using displayTree(). [Note: You will need to update/add the functions you wrote in tasks 3-5 in d_tnodel.h.
6.1 Copy the following 5 files: d_except.h, d_expsym.h, d_tnodel.h d_tnode.h, inf2pstf.h, to your working directory for this lab
6.2 Name the program as lab_04.cpp and copy the implementations of functions buildExpTree in task 4 and prefixOutput in task 5 into program lab_04.cpp.
6.3 Run your program and compare your output for lab_04.cpp with the sample output.
What to Turn In