Set & Map
Prelab Task:
1. Reviewed the contents we learned about set and map.
Lab Task:
In this lab, we will use set and map data associated data structures to store state and city names and perform the search.
4. In this part, rather than using objects of type stateCity, you will implement the program by using a map with state name (string) as the key and the city name (string) as the data value.
5. Name the program in the part 3 as lab06_set.cpp and the program in part 4 as lab06_map.cpp
6. Compare your outputs for programs lab06_set.cpp and lab06_map.cpp with the sample output.
7. Demo your programs to the instructor.
What to Turn In
Hand in the source codes for d_state.h, lab06_set.cpp and lab06_map.cpp and sample outputs to the instructor.