COSC-320   Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Instructor: Enyue (Annie) Lu

Office: HS 114

Office hours:  click Dr. Lu's schedule


Phone: (410)543-6144

Prerequisite: COSC 220 and MATH 210, both completed with a grade of C or better.

Reference Textbooks:

Course Web Page

Most information for the course is posted on the web at You should check the pages frequently, at least once a week.

You can also get to the course web pages through Dr. Lu's web page at

The Department's syllabus for this course is posted at


This course will explore advanced data structures and algorithm analysis. Advanced data structures and efficient algorithm design techniques will be discussed. Topics include principles of computational complexity; binary search trees, hashing, heaps, priority queues, red-black trees, searching and sorting algorithms, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graph representation, BFS and DFS, shortest path, and spanning tree algorithms. All the assignments will require programming in C++. However, please note that the emphasis of the course will be on design of data structures and algorithms and not on esoteric features of C++.

This course is very intensive and will require a tremendous amount of your time. We will cover many new concepts and techniques. Here are some methods to follow to help you succeed in the course:

Topics covered: (depending on class progress)


Your grade for this course will be based on the attendance, labs, homework,  quizzes, two midterms and one final.

Grade Distribution:

Homework, quizzes, and lab assignments: 20%

Course Project: 15%

Exams: 65%

Midterm 1 : 20%
Midterm 2: 20%
Final: 25%

Your final letter grade will be based on the standard formula:

Grade Scales








F 0-59


 I truncate averages and reserve the right to raise any grade on the basis of class participation or extenuating circumstances.



Attendance & Class Participation :

Assignments (homework, labs, programming, project etc.)

Exams and Quizzes:


Academic Integrity

Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Academic honesty is absolutely required of you. Your name on any work you turn in such as tests, assignments, and labs certifies that the work was done within the integrity guidelines for this course. If you fail to follow the academic integrity, you will received grade 0% and be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Here are the guidelines:

Student Academic Misconduct Policy can be found at



Henson School of Science & Technology Course Repeat Policy


The detailed information can be found in



Other available resources:


Student Disability Support Services:
University Writing Center:

Supplemental Instruction: 
Mathematics and Computer Science Tutoring Program:

The Center for Student Achievement : 



Salisbury University is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, and fairness on our campus.

The Department of Mathematics & Computer Science believes that every person deserves to be treated with respect. We are dedicated to fostering a teaching and learning environment in which all people feel free to share their unique experiences, backgrounds, perspectives, ideas, and identities. 


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