COSC 320 - Exam 2 Study Guide

Study Material  Chapters 3 (3.3, 3.6-3.7), 10, 11, 12, 16 Handouts, Lecture PPTs, Homework, Labs, Programming assignments



Hash functions

Hash tables: open addressing, separate chaining

Hash table performance



2-3-4 tree (insert, build operations)

Red-Black tree (insert, build operations)

convert 2-3-4 tree to Red-Black tree


Heap (maximum/minimum binary heap)

Heap operations (top, push, pop, make)

Heap sort

priority queue


Graph Terminology (path, cycle, subgraph, connected, complete, directed, in/out degree)
Directed cyclic graph (strong connected, weekly connected)
Representation of Graphs (adjacency matrix, adjacent set)


Test Format

Close book, close notes, and no calculators needed.

There are total no more than 10 problems. Each problem may contain multiple questions

The test questions are similar to the questions given in homework, text review questions, labs, and class discussion problems.