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Liebgold Lab General Interests
I am an Associate Professor at Salisbury University in the Biological Sciences Department. I teach classes such as Biology of Reptiles and Amphibians, Ornithology, and Ecology. My research interests involve ecological questions relating to mark-recapture population estimation and color polymorphism and the interplay between animal movements, genetic structure, and habitat. My students and I are currently involved in a variety of projects, including studying endangered Spotted Turtles and Eastern Screech Owls tiger salamanders and recently have worked on state-endangered Eastern Tiger Salamanders, ground-nesting warblers, and red-backed salamanders.
Prospective undergraduate and Master’s students are encouraged to read more about our lab and join us!
Eric B. Liebgold, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Salisbury University
Department of Biological Sciences
Henson Science Hall 230E
Salisbury, MD 21801
(410) 543-6499
Email: ebliebgold(at)salisbury(dot)edu