Grace Clement
Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy
Fulton School of Liberal Arts
Salisbury State University
Salisbury, Maryland 21801

Office: Philosophy House
Telephone: (410) 219-2872
Fax: (410) 334-3407

My areas of interest are moral theory and questions about the foundations and boundaries of ethics: How are humans like and unlike other animals, and what are our responsibilities to nonhumans? Are masculine and feminine approaches to morality different, and if so, why, and is this difference good or bad? What is the relationship between morality and law? I also teach "Modern Philosophy," "Symbolic Logic" and "Critical Thinking." I have written a book, Care, Autonomy, and Justice: Feminism and the Ethic of Care, and I am currently doing research on the relationship between humans and nonhuman animals.

Positions Held

  • Salisbury State University, 1993-


  • B.A. Philosophy, The College of William and Mary
  • Ph.D. Philosophy, Northwestern University

Dissertation: Care, Autonomy, and Justice: Towards a Feminist Ethic of Care

Areas of Interest

  • Animal Ethics
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • Moral and Legal Philosophy
  • Modern Philosophy
  • Symbolic Logic