Math 201: Calculus I


Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Bergner

Phone: 677-5429

Office: HS 114

 Semester : Spring 2005

Class Policies

Homework: Homework will be assigned on the homework link of this webpage.  I will not collect all of this for a grade HOWEVER your weekly quizzes will be taken directly from assigned problems. There were will be a few problems collected every two weeks for a grade.  This are indicated by “Homework #n” and highlighted.  I do not accept late homework.


Quizzes:  There will be quizzes on the day that we meet for lab.  They will be given at the beginning of class.   These will cover homework material and class discussion.  No make-up quizzes will be given.  The lowest three scores will be dropped. Some of these will be on webct, others will be on paper.  During quizzes, students are asked to turn off their cell phones and will be required to close all email and other electronic methods of communication.  The computer can only be used during quizzes for access to webct and when indicated, to access Maple.  Failure to close all electronic methods of communication will result in an F for the particular quiz.

Exams: There will be periodic in class exams (3 or 4). The exam dates and material covered by them will be announced in class. It is the student's responsibility to find out what announcements he/she missed by coming late, leaving early, or missing class. There will also be a final exam during the exam period. A make-up exam will be allowed, provided that "official" documentation explaining your absence is supplied and notification of your absence is given prior to the exam by e-mail or phone message.  During exams, students are asked to turn off their cell-phone.

Final exam: This is a mandatory exam.  To earn an A in the class a student must obtain at least a C on the final.  An F on the final will drop the student at least one letter grade ( e.g. if you have an 89% before the final you will be dropped to a C).

Class Participation and Attendance: Attendance is highly suggested, however I reserve the right to not repeat lessons over material that was covered in a class session you chose not to attend. If you miss class it is your responsibility to learn the material covered and to make yourself aware of any announcements.  Attendance to lab sessions is required, you will receive a deduction from your lab write-up for missed labs. You also take quizzes on lab days, hence you do not want to miss these days.

Laboratory Exercises: This class meets once a week in the computer lab and there will be regular lab reports due. The quality of writing in lab reports is an important component of the lab write-up.  See attached lab exercises statement. I do not accept late labs for any reason other than extreme personal emergencies.   If you miss a lab, you are given the opportunity to replace this score with the bonus lab that is assigned at the end of the course. 

Grading Policy: Course grades will be assigned as follows: A= 90% or higher, B= 80-89%, C= 70-79%, D= 60-69%.  Your performance will be weighted as follows:


         Lab write-ups and homework                   30%

         Quizzes                                                 10%           

         Hour exams                                            40%

         Comprehensive final exam                       20%



Class Format: Primarily informal lectures with questions encouraged at appropriate times. If appropriate there will be collaborative group work and student presentations of problems and exercises.  During lab sessions you will be encouraged to work together on the calculus, please refrain from too much socializing during labs as this hinders others and yourselves.   Please try to come to class on time! If for some reason you must be late, enter quietly and try to avoid disturbing the lecture.

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Click here for the course agreement.  This needs to be submitted the second class session you attend.