Fall 2008     


ENVR 499:  Environmental Senior Seminar   

Tuesdays 1-3:30, DH 103 or HS 211


Instructor: Dr. Joan Maloof

e-mail: jemaloof@salisbury.edu; office phone: 410-548-5788; home phone: 410-546-1038

Office: 224 Henson Hall;  Hours: T 3:30-5:30 & R 1-4


Purpose  - To give students a practical opportunity to apply tools and concepts learned in courses taken for the environmental issues major. Together with governmental or non-governmental agencies the faculty member and students will identify an environmental issue for the focus of the seminar. Students will analyze the issue from interdisciplinary viewpoints (e.g., economical, political, philosophical, biological) and present analysis and recommendations in a formal multi-media presentation and report. Emphasis will be on teamwork, professionalism, information collection and organization.


            Prerequisites - Junior or senior standing and completion of 20 credits in the environmental issues core.

            General Education - This course does not satisfy a general education requirement.

            Text – Texts will be selected after the topic is identified.


Attendance - Attendance is critical for effective teamwork. After the second absence your final grade will be lowered 2% per absence. Please speak to your instructor if there are outstanding circumstances for your absence.


Writing across the curriculum – All written work will be graded on mechanics (grammar, spelling, organization, etc) as well as on content. Please visit the writing center if you need help with written assignments


Grading: Assignments will be given throughout the semester, depending on the topic chosen and how it progresses. In addition, class members will rotate duties for setting agendas, facilitation, and writing and distributing minutes. In lieu of a final exam you are expected to make a final, public, presentation of your accomplishments this semester. Your class participation, assignment completion, attendance, and contribution toward the final project will determine your final grade. Because this is a team project and the other students in the course will be working with you, I will ask for input from the other students regarding your contributions (and of course I will also be asking you for input about their contributions).












Facilitator /Agenda


Sep 2


Discussion of project possibilities



Sep. 9

Project planning and refinement




Project development and accomplishment ↓↓↓



Sep. 23




Sep. 30




Oct. 7




Oct. 14




Oct. 21




Oct 28




Nov 4




 Nov. 11




 Nov. 18

“Dress rehearsal” of final presentation








Dec. 2

Final Presentation

HS 211



Dec 9

Reflection and evaluation