[Psychology Department]

[Personal Information]

Published Work

Course Selections




PSYC-423 Dev Dis

PSYC- 482 (Nat-Nurt)

Final Exam Times

Other Links:

APA Style

Encyclopedia of Psyc

History of Psyc

"Brain" Website

Psyc Resource Site

Internship Info


This site contains information regarding my professional background, class documents, class scheduling, and general departmental news.  Please feel free to explore these web pages and the psychology department's website.  My colleagues here in the psychology department are diverse in terms of both their personal and professional experiences.  I'm sure they would all enjoy sharing their knowledge and perspectives with students who show an interest.  As always, please feel free to contact me via telephone, email, or in person.

email: jsmccartney@salisbury.edu                     

Telephone: (410) 677-5444

Office: HH 311


Click on the books below to go to the online learning centers for my courses.

           Life-Span Human DevelopmentLife-Span Human Development 



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