Joe Anderson

Mathematics & Computer Science
Salisbury University

I am an assistant professor of computer science at Salisbury University.

My research interests are theoretical computer science, geometry, optimization, and learning theory.

Research statement.

Email: jtanderson [at] salisbury [dot] edu
Office: 128 Henson Hall
Office Hours: M 10am-12pm, W 9-10am, Th F 8-9am. Or by appointment.
Phone: 410-543-6469
Personal Zoom Link: or
Curriculum Vitae

Efficiency of the floating body as a robust measure of dispersion. (with L. Rademacher)
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2020.

Geometric Methods for Robust Data Analysis in High Dimension
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, OSU. Advisor: Luis Rademacher. 2017.

Heavy-Tailed Analogues of the Covariance Matrix for ICA (with N. Goyal, A. Nandi, and L. Rademacher)
Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2017).

Heavy-Tailed Independent Component Analysis (with N. Goyal, A. Nandi, and L. Rademacher)
The 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2015).

The More, the Merrier: the Blessing of Dimensionality for Learning Large Gaussian Mixtures (with M. Belkin, N. Goyal, L. Rademacher, and J. Voss)
Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2014).

Efficient Learning of Simplicies (with N. Goyal and L. Rademacher)
Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2013).

FPGA implementation of graph cut based image thresholding (with M. Gundam, A. Joginipelly, and D. Charalampidis)
Southeasern Symposium on System Theory (SSST) 2012.

Technical Report - Intelligent Fish Classification in Underwater Video
University of New Orleans REU

Full Schedule

Fall 2021

COSC 311 - Data Visualization and Inference

COSC 420 - High-Performance Computing

Spring 2021

COSC 320 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

COSC 362 - Theory of Computation

COSC 385/485 - CAMS Project Advising

Fall 2020

COSC 117 - Programming Fundamentals

COSC 311 - Data Visualization and Inference

COSC 420 - High-Performance Computing

Spring 2020

COSC 220 - Computer Science II

COSC 320 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Fall 2019

COSC 220 - Computer Science II

COSC 320 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

COSC 420 - High-Performance Computing

Spring 2019

COSC 220 - Computer Science II

COSC 320 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

COSC 362 - Theory of Computation

Fall 2018

COSC 320 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

COSC 362 - Theory of Computation

COSC 490 - Special Topics: Computational Topology

Spring 2018

COSC 220 - Computer Science II

COSC 320 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Fall 2017

COSC 117 - Programming Fundamentals

COSC 220 - Computer Science II

COSC 362 - Theory of Computation