Kurt Ludwick, PhD - Associate Professor of Mathematics

Welcome to my home page!

Office: Henson Hall, room 138 (HS 138)
Phone: 410-543-6549
Email: keludwick@salisbury.edu

Spring 2024 Office Hours

·         Mon., Wed. 2-3:30 PM, Fri. 2-3PM in HS 138

·         Tues. 2-3PM in GAC 201 (Math Emporium)

I’m also available by appointment; talk to me after class or
email me to set up a meeting if my office hours don’t match
up with your schedule.

Follow this link for my Spring 2024 weekly schedule.



Spring 2024 Classes (all on MyClasses)

·         Math 210: Discrete Mathematics

·         Math 215: Financial Mathematics

·         Math 441: Abstract Algebra I

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
Henson School of Science and Technology
Salisbury University