Photos from the MD/DC/VA MAA Section Meeting

  • Barb Hensel discusses her poster, "An Investigation of Periodic Cycles with Finite Cellular Automata": pic1  pic2

  • Holly Erickson (with Greg Murach in the background) describes the final flight of "The Absent-Minded Skydiver". photo

  • Jen Larson and Kristi Martini with their poster, "Mirror, Mirror on a Sphere". photo (see the SUSRC photo page for a second photo of Jen and Kristi with their poster)

  • Karen Hoffman and Alyssa Twilley claim "What Goes Up Must Come Down". photo

  • Ken Kanownik in a suit! Enough said. photo
    (OK, we'll say a little more: Ken gave a talk about his team's award-winning participation in this year's MCM tournament.)

Don't forget to check out the  SUSRC photo page!

Last modified 5/7/2004