Accounting 305
Spring 2018

*The dates outlined in the course schedule are tentative. In some cases we may complete coverage of particular subject matter ahead of schedule and at other times more difficult material might take longer to disseminate than expected. Again, should you fail to attend a particular class due to circumstances beyond your control please contact a classmate to obtain notes and missed assignments. 


DATE                 TOPIC                     READINGS1 ASSIGNMENTS              
January 29 Course Introduction and Introduction to Business Activity Model (BAM)

Inventories: Additional Issues - Lower of Cost or Market

FASB ACS 720-15
Start-Up Costs

Chapter 9, pp. 464-472.

Professor will demonstrate how teams should ask the client questions about specific aspects of its financial statement presentation.  For example, (this is a freebee) "Is an allowance for doubtful accounts needed, i.e., are all of your receivables considered collectible?" Other hints are to look at supplies, start-up and licensing costs, maintenance contracts, lease agreements, common stock information, EPS, statement of cash flows.  Please watch a FASB Codification tutorial such as: Complete Problems 9-1 and 9-3, and have questions prepared for Jerry Loos, for next class. 
January 31

 BAM Year 1

Inventories: Additional Issues - Lower of Cost or Market

Chapter 9, pp. 464-472. Read Chapter 20, pp. 1,174-1,181 and complete Problems 20-13 and 20-15 for next class. Also, BAM teams please prepare a set of questions to query the client in next class.
February 5 Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Chapter 20, pp. 1,174-1,181 Student teams will query client on specifics of Year 1 financial statements. We will also go over the solution to Problems 20-13 and 20-15. Read Chapter 14 pp. 770-784 and prepare BAM Year 1 correcting entries for next class.
 February 7


BAM Year 1



Chapter 14, pp. 770-784. Each group will present correcting entries that it determines are necessary from evaluating client responses to questions posed in the previous class.  We will also discuss Chapter 14, pp. 770-784. For next class, complete Problems 14-1 and 14-2, and read Chapter 14, pp. 793-798.
 February 12



BAM Requirement 3



Chapter 14, pp. 793-798.

We will go over the solution to Problems 14-1 and 14-2 in class. Prepare a  complete set of corrected financial statements, supplementary disclosures, and backup documentation for Year 1, and complete Problem 14-15 for next class.
 February 14

BAM Requirements 3-4


Chapter 14, pp. 793-798.



Each group will present a complete set of corrected financial statements, supplementary disclosures, and backup documentation for Year 1. We will also go over Problem 14-15.  Prepare a solution (as individuals, not as a team) to BAM truck financing decision, complete Problem 14-19, and read Chapter 14, pp. 803-808 for next class.
 February 19 Troubled Debt Restructurings Chapter 14, pp. 803-808. We will go over the solution to BAM truck financing decision and Problem 14-19 in class. We will also discuss troubled debt restructurings.  Prepare questions for Jerry Loos related to his Year 2 financial statements and complete Problem 14-26 for next class.
 February 21 BAM Requirement 3

Troubled Debt Restructurings
Chapter 14, pp. 803-808.
BAM Requirement 3
Student teams will query the client on the Year 2 Aguamaint financial statements (Req. 3).  We will also go over the solution to Problem 14-26 in class. Read Chapter 12, pp. 642-660 and BAM teams prepare correcting entries for BAM year 2 for next class. 
 February 26 BAM Requirement 4

Accounting for Investments
Chapter 12, pp. 642-660 Student teams will present their correcting entries to Aguamaint's Year 2 financial statements in class. We will also commence our discussion of the accounting for investments as presented in Chapter 12, pp. 642-660. Tax correcting entries for BAM year 2 due next class. Also, complete Problems 12-1 and 12-2 for next class.
February 28 BAM Requirement 6

Chapter 12, pp. 642-660 Student teams will present their tax correcting entries in class.  We will also go over the solution to Problems 12-1 and 12-2 in class.  Complete problems 12-3, 12-4, and 12-5 and read Chapter 12, pp. 661-663 for class on March 5th.  BAM Teams prepare corrected Year 2 financial statements for class on March 7th.
March 5


Chapter 12, pp. 661-663 We will go over Problems 12-3, 12-4, and 12-5. We will also discuss the fair value option and impairment of investments.  BAM Teams prepare corrected Year 2 financial statements for class on March 7th. Read Chapter 12, pp. 667-680 for next class.
March 7 Investments Chapter 12, pp. 667-680 Student teams will present their corrected Year 2 financial statements in class. We will also commence a discussion of Chapter 12, Part B (Accounting for Equity Investments). 
March 12 Investments Chapter 12, pp. 667-680 We will continue our discussion of accounting for equity investments in class.  Complete Problems 12-10 and 12-11, and and read Chapter 12, Appendix B for next class.  
March 14 Investments Chapter 12, Appendix B. We will go over the solution to Problems 12-10 and 12-11, and discuss impairment of debt investments in class. Mid-term exam next class.
March 19-23 SPRING BREAK!!
March 26 Mid-term Examination Review all readings to date. Prepare questions for Jerry Loos related to Year 3 financial statements and Read Appendix A (Derivatives) in the back of the book for next class.
March 28

BAM Requirement 5

Accounting for Derivatives

Appendix A Students will query client regarding the Aguamaint Year 3 financial statements. We will also discuss Appendix A in the back of the book. BAM teams will prepare designated adjusting entries for next class. Complete Problem A-1 for next class.
April 2 BAM Requirement 6

Accounting for Derivatives

Appendix A Student teams will present adjusting entries for Year 3 BAM.  We will go over Problem A-1 in class. BAM teams will prepare designated adjusting entries for next class. Read Chapter 11, pp. 602-613 for next class.
April 5

Asset Impairment 

Chapter 11, pp. 602-613. BAM teams will present designated adjusting entries in class. We will also discuss accounting for impairments in class. Exercises 11-26 and 11-29 are due next class. BAM teams will present the adjustments for the income tax accrual journal entry in the next class. Complete exercises 11-26 and 11-29 for next class.   
April 6th is the last day to withdraw (Grade of W)
April 9 Asset Impairment  Chapter 11, pp. 602-613. Student teams will present the adjustments for the income tax accrual journal entries in class. We will also go over Exercises 11-26 and 11-29  in  class. Complete Problem 11-12 for next class. Read Chapter 19, pp. 1,106-1,126 for next class.
April 11

BAM Year 2 Financial Statements

Asset Impairment 

Chapter 19, pp. 1,106-1,126 We will be going over Problem 11-12 and Earnings Per Share issues in class. Read Chapter 19, pp. 1,141-1,162 for next class. Also, BAM teams will present corrected Year 3 financial statements in next class.
April 16

Earnings Per Share

Chapter 19, pp. 1,141-1,162

BAM teams will present corrected Year 3 financial statements in class.   We will also discuss earnings per share in class. Please complete Problems 19-11, 19-14, and 19-15 for next class. BAM teams will query Jerry Loos about the Year 4 financial statements in the next class.


April 18


Earnings Per Share



Chapter 19, pp. 1,141-1,162



Student teams will query Jerry about the  Year 4 financial statements in class.  We will also go over the solutions to Problems 19-11, 19-14, and 19-15 in classStudent teams will present designated adjusting journal entries for Year 4 financial statements in next class. Also, please read Chapter 5 pp. 261-272 for next class.
April 23 BAM Requirement 7

Long-Term Construction Accounting
Chapter 5, pp. 261-272 Student teams will present designated adjusting journal entries for Year 4 financial statements in class. We will discuss accounting for long-term contracts in class.  Please complete Problem 5-10 and Problem 5-11 for next class. Student teams will present designated adjusting journal entries for Year 4 financial statements in next class.  
April 25 BAM Requirement 8

Long-term Construction Accounting

 Chapter 5, pp. 261-272 Student teams will present designated adjusting journal entries for Year 4 financial statements in class. We will also go over Problem 5-10 and Problem 5-11 in class. Please read Chapter 5, pp. 301-302 for next class.   Also, please prepare completed Year 4 financial statements for next class. Student teams should also  prepare the calculations for the accounting for income taxes adjustment for Year 4 for next class.
April 30 Accounting for Franchise Revenue   Chapter 5, pp. 301-302. Student teams will present the calculations for the accounting for income taxes adjustment for Year 4. We will also discuss accounting for franchises in class.  Student teams will present the solution to Year 4 financial statements in next class. 
May 2

 Accounting for Franchise Revenue


Chapter 5, pp. 301-302


Student teams will present the solution to Year 4 financial statements. Complete Problem 5-19 and read Chapter 19, pp. 1090-1,106 for next class.
May 7 Accounting for Franchise Revenue

Stock-based Compensation Plans
Chapter 5, pp. 302-312

Chapter 19, pp. 1,090-1,106
We will go over the solution to Problem 5-19 in class. We will also discuss share-based compensation plans in class. Part 1 of the final examination will be administered in the next class.
May 9 Final Exam Part 1 All material covered since the mid-term examination.  Complete problems sent to you via email for next class.
May 14

Stock-based Compensation Plans

 Chapter 19, pp. 1,090-1,126 We will discuss the solution to the problems sent to you via email dealing with stock-based compensation plans. 
May 17-23 Final Exam - TBA

1In addition to the assigned readings for each class listed below, please look over the topic coverage for each year of BAM that appears on the ACCT 305 home page.  You may need to read text material in these areas to solve the various BAM exercises.

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