K.M.Shannon's Courses:

My Course sites are now hosted in MyClasses, our online LMS (aka Canvas), since the pandemic and the increase of online learning.

My Classes are face to face in person unless the university forces us to be online.

Current students should log into MyClasses for course information.

Anyone else interested in my courses is welcome to browse the prepandemic sites below
. . . and email me (kmshannon - at - salisbury.edu) if you have any questions.
Here is a complete list of courses for which I've made web sites in the past:

MATH 105: Liberal Arts Mathematics: Quantitative Reasoning and Effective Thinking.

MATH 135: College Algebra

MATH 140: College Algebra and Trigonometry/ Precalculus

MATH 160: Applied Calculus

MATH 200: Mathematics and Culture

MATH 201: Calculus I

MATH 202: Calculus II

MATH 210: Discrete Mathematics

MATH 300: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics

MATH 311: Differential Equations

MATH 451 & 452: Analysis I & II

MATH 460: Operations Research

Math 471: Numerical Methods

Math 472: Numerical Linear Algebra

MATH 480: History of Mathematics

MATH ---: Elementary Probability and Statisitics (old slide shows)

MATH 303: Scientific Computing(old course)

Feel free to contact me via e-mail

Copyright 1997 K.M.Shannon all rights reserved.