NOSH: The North American Organization of Scottish Historians
Objectives: We organized in January 2008 to bring together those interested in the study of Scotland who live on the North American Continent
Upcoming Conferences & Panels: | Membership Information: | Official Documents & Information: |
Call for Papers! We are looking for panelists for Sixteenth Century Studies and for NACBS for the fall. We’d love to promote more Scottish panels. Please contact kpwalton@salisbury.edu if you have any questions or ideas or panels! NOSH and KNOX 2014, MONTREAT The NOSH Conference is upon us! Coming very soon - March 8, 9, 10, combined with the Knox at 500 Conference at Montreat, NC. Hope to see you there! Check out info here: Conference papers from the NOSH conference may result in a special edition of Scotia... details to follow Keep in mind the Eighteenth Century Studies Conference as well! http://www.ecsss.org/meetings.htm If you would like to organize a panel for any other conference, please contact scottish.historians@gmail.com and we can get it up on the web-site! CALL FOR ARTICLES: SCOTIA: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Scottish Studies is looking for excellent articles touching on any aspect of Scotland, including history and literature. The journal Scotia is affiliated with NOSH and looks forward to reading more articles from NOSH members
The Membership application can be found here: Membership Application 2014 Our Membership Secretary is Janay Nugent. PAY BY PAYPAL here! Or send in a check. Nosh Memberships Options Please fill out an application and email to Janay at nugejb00@uleth.ca or to scottish.historians@gmail.com if you are submitting your membership via PayPal! Current Officers: President & Treasurer, Kristen Walton Vice President, Ed Furgol Membership Secretary, Janay Nugent Board Members: Officers Bill Rodner, Editor, Scotia
NOSH is formally affiliated with Scotia, the Interdisciplinary Journal of Scottish Studies as well as with the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference: SCSC Other Societies of Interest: Affiliated Journals:
News submitted from members:
** This is not the permanent site, but one which will be much more professional in the near future!
NOSH is recognized as a 501(c)3 Non-profit under the US Tax code as of April 2011