Dr. Mark I. Walter
Assistant Professor of Psychology

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One of my favorite things about being a university professor is teaching.  I currently teach courses in General PsychologySocial Psychology , the Psychology of Prejudice, and Research Methods I.

I have an interest in the pedagogy of teaching and have published several articles on the topic:

Walter, M. I., & Walter, J. L. (in press). A classroom demonstration of how individual interpretations shape
recollections of past events: It’s not just a game.  College Teaching.

Walter, M. I., & Walter, J. L. (2008). Putting the pieces together: An in-class exercise to help students integrate their knowledge of the history of psychology. College Teaching, 56, 55.

Christopher, A. N., & Walter, M. I. (2006). An assignment to help students learn to navigate primary sources of information. Teaching of Psychology, 33, 42-45.


I have also been awarded the Doug Bernstein Award at the 2007 National Institute on the 2007 Teaching of Psychology for the poster: Putting the pieces together: Using puzzles to  help students integrate key figures in the history of psychology.