History 225:  The Holocaust

Schedule and Assignments

Fall 2003

I.                  Introduction

1. September 2 Introduction and Overview Film:  Survivors of the Holocaust

  II.               Anti-Semitism, Jewish Life in Europe and Nazi Germany to 1939

2.  September 9 Jewish Life and Anti-Jewish Prejudice from Ancient to Modern Times   Read Botwinick, History, chapters 1 and 2, and Reader, chapters 1 and 2

3. September 16 The Rise of National Socialism in Germany Read Botwinick, History, chapters 3 and 4, and Reader, chapters 4 and 5 Film:  Excerpts from Triumph of the Will

 4. September 23 The Nazi Revolution and its Impact: Read Botwinick, History, chapter 5, and Reader, chapter 5;  Film: Into the Arms of Strangers:  Stories of the Kindertransport

5. September 30 Persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany:  Expulsion and Emigration, 1933-1939: Read Botwinick, History, chapter 6, and Reader, chapter 6; Film:  Deceit and Indifference:  America and the Holocaust; Submit journals

6.  October 7  First exam, 7-8:00 pm Film:  One Survivor Remembers (starts at 8:05)

III.            World War Two and the Destruction of the European Jews, 1939-1945

7.  October 14  The Nazis Strike Read Botwinick, History, chapter 7, Reader, chapter 7.

8.  October 21  The Third “Solution”: Ghettoes Read Botwinick, History, chapter 8; Reader, chapter 8. Film:  Lodz Ghetto  

9.  October 28  The Fourth “Solution”: Killing Squads  Read Botwinick, History, chapter 9; Reader, chapter 9. Film:  Conspiracy  

10.  November 4  The “Final Solution”:  Death by Mass Production  Film: The Grey Zone

11.  November 11  Second exam, 7-8:00 pm; Film:  The Last Days (starts at 8:05)  

IV.   The Impact of the Holocaust, Then and Now

12. November 18 Resistance and Rescue  Read Botwinick, History, chapter 10 and Reader, chapter 10; Film:  Weapons of the Spirit

13.  November 25  After the War: start reading Szpilman, the Pianist * Film:  The Long Way Home

14.  December 2  Remembrance; Film:  Anne Frank Remembered

15.  December 9  Conclusions: Film:  The Pianist;  Submit journals, complete for entire semester

16.  December 16  Final exam 7:45-9:45 pm