
Research Interests

Current Projects

APOGEE Radial Velocity Variabilty

I am one of the working group leaders of the APOGEE RV Variability team. My primary project has been the development of a catalog of orbital parameters. We accomplished this by running the APOGEE RV data through a custom build Keplerian orbit fitting pipeline. Our first paper on this catalog has been accepted to AJ, and the catalog is available here. We are now in the planning stages of the next phase of this survey in SDSS-V.

Astronomical Software Development

In addition to the Keplerian Orbit fitting pipeline, I have contributed to the testing and implementation on the general APOGEE pipelines. In particular, I have implemented the determination of rotational/macroturbulent velocities in APOGEE's stellar parameters pipeline, ASPCAP. I am currently working on improving APOGEE's RV determination for faint sources, such as dSph galaxies that will be observed in APOGEE-2.

Previous Student Projects

Full Publication List (SAO/NASA ADS)