Welcome to the Animal Behavior Lab at SU
Taylor-Hunter Behavioral Genetics
We are broadly interested in evolutionary processes that drive morphological and behavioral diversity. Specifically we study animal communication and the evolution of complex signals generated by female mate choice in anuran amphibians. To address these questions we employ a variety of methods including audio-visually integrated playbacks combined with population genetics.
For playbacks, we employ a robotic frog
with an inflatable vocal sac. The timing of vocal sac
inflation can be altered to address how female frogs assess acoustic
and visual signal components in space and time during mate choice
decisions. In addition to developing behavioral preference
functions, we are exploring the genetic structure of frog
populations to better understand how mate choice may influence
allelic structure within and between populations. We are currently
working on túngara frogs in the Republic of Panama as well as
treefrogs in Maryland and Louisiana.