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Rhyannon H. Bemis

Assistant Professor of Psychology
Office: Holloway Hall 322
Phone: 410-543-6372

Welcome to my website! Below you will find information about my courses and research.

Courses that I teach:

  • Psychology 320: Psychology of Infancy and Childhood

  • Psychology 402: Childhood Disorders

About my research:

I am interested how preschoolers (and older students too!) remember how they learned something. Specifically, I address some of the following questions in my research:

  • What do children remember about how they learn?
  • What types of learning activities do children remember?
  • How accurate are children when they talk about their own learning?
  • How often do student of all ages recall memories of classroom learning?
  • How do students use memories of classroom learning to help them recall material or to learn about themselves as a student?

Interested in becoming a part of my research?

If you are interested in these kinds of questions too, please consider becoming a part of my research. Undergraduate research assistants are a really important part of my research. Students that become involved in my research have the opportunity to:

  • interview preschool-aged children
  • design experimental tasks for preschoolers and older students
  • analyze data using SPSS
  • present data

These skills can be really helpful when you enter the job market or apply to graduate school. Psychology majors can earn course credit for working in the lab. There are only a few spots available each semester so if you would like to join the lab, please contact me so that we can talk more about your interests