COSC 425 Syllabus - Fall 2015

Instructor: Dr. Steven Lauterburg
Office: 130 Henson Hall
Email: stlauterburg at salisbury dot edu


There are no required texts for this course. However, the instructor will provide several readings throughout the course.


Make sure that you check your campus e-mail regularly. The university uses only your campus e-mail for any official notifications. I may, on occasions, also need to e-mail you and if I do so it will be through the campus e-mail system.

Students with Disabilities:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Salisbury University's policy, all qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to "reasonable accommodations." For any accommodations you must have an accommodations letter sent to me from the Office of Student Affairs at least one week prior to any course activity that would require an accommodation. You can reach the Office of Student Affairs at (410) 543-6080 (on campus 3-6080).

Missed Exams:

If you need to miss an exam for a legitimate reason, contact the instructor PRIOR to the exam. I will work out a fair arrangement on an individual basis. If you do not contact me ahead of time, you will not be given a make-up exam. If you require an extended absence from the college you must notify the Office of Student Affairs of your absence; they will send all of your instructors a letter confirming your absence. You can reach the Office of Student Affairs at (410) 543-6080 (on campus 3-6080).

Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct, a breach of academic integrity, may include, but is not limited, to the following:

  • plagiarism; presenting as one’s own work, whether literally or in paraphrase, the work of another.
  • cheating on exams, tests and quizzes; the wrongful giving or taking of unauthorized exam material, and/or the use of illegitimate sources of information.
  • illicit collaboration with other individuals in the completion of course assignments.
  • the use of fraudulent methods or communications related to laboratory, studio, field or computer work.
  • other acts generally recognized as dishonorable or dishonest which bear upon academic endeavors.

If a student commits an act of academic misconduct, the sanction against the student will be decided by the instructor, based on the seriousness of the offense. This sanction may range from a written warning to removal from the course with a grade of "F" for the course. In extreme cases, the instructor may refer the case to the Academic Policies Committee for additional sanctions, which may include (but are not limited to) dismissal from a major or program, suspension, or even expulsion from the University.

In addition to the sanction imposed by the instructor, a record of the act of academic misconduct will be sent to the University judicial administrator. Repeat offenders will be referred to the Academic Policies Committee, which will decide on any additional sanctions beyond those already imposed. Possible additional sanctions for repeat offenders include expulsion, suspension for one or more semesters, and/or a notation on the transcript identifying the "F" received in the course as an "academic dishonesty F".

If the sanction of an "F" in the course is imposed, that "F" grade will remain in the student's GPA and on the transcript. In this case, the student may retake the course, but both grades will remain in the GPA and on the transcript.

For a more complete description of the policies and procedures for cases of academic misconduct please see the Student Handbook.

University Writing Center:

At the University Writing Center (On the Second Floor of the Guerrieri Academic Commons -- Room 260), trained consultants are ready to help you at any stage of the writing process. It is often helpful for writers to share their work with an attentive reader, and Writing Center consultations allow writers to test and refine their ideas before having to hand papers in or to release documents to the public. In addition to the important writing instruction that occurs in the classroom and during teachers’ office hours, the Center offers another site for learning about writing. All undergraduates are encouraged to make use of this important student service. For more information about the writing center’s hours and policies, visit the Writing Center or its website at