Interactive Sites and Ongoing Investigative Projects On Social Justice

Fun and sociologically relevant interactive sources including video and graphics that are regularly updated by producers. Included are news series that are cooperatively produced and 'big data' interactive graphics.


How the Deck is Stacked is cooperatively produced by PBS Newshour, Frontline, and Marketplace. The series covers a range of inequalities in the US. The rising cost of college, the shrinking middle class, and increasing inequality are just a few of the topics.

Patchwork Nation is an interactive map of the US revealing all kinds of demographic information by county.

Cooper Center Dot Map The Cooper Center is at the University of Virginia; the map uses 2010 Census Data to reveal residential segregation by census tract.

Making Sen$e Blog This link is to the blog, the most recent posts are at the top; the search feature is for The PBS Newshour site as a whole; include 'Making Sen$e' in your search terms if you want just information from the series.

Making Sen$e videos To access the videos, scroll to below the main video and click on 'Making Sen$e' below 'TOPICS' on the left side of the screen.

Other images / graphs depicting both US and Global Inequalities