MATH/COSC 380 Math and Computer Science Internship

Click here to check out the previous internship

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Course Description: click here to see the official syllabus for this class

Designed to enhance understanding of how mathematics, statistics, or computer science are actually used in practice. The objective is to provide the student with an academically-coordinated professional experience related to the student’s field of study. Students work in a private business or public agency on a project for which they can apply knowledge and experience related to their field of study. Students must meet regularly with their faculty advisors. A final paper, which will be kept on file in the Department Office, and an oral presentation are required. Students must register for the internship concurrent with the experience. COSC/MATH 380 may be taken twice but used only once toward a degree in computer science/mathematics. Offered on a pass/fail basis only. 

The student is expected to work 8-10 hours per week for (during a 14-week semester), for a total of about 125 hours. The weekly hours are adjusted for summer and winter internships. Bi-weekly conferences will be held between the internship advisor and the student to see that the internship is going as expected and to help keep the work and study aspects of the internship on an even keel.


To ensure that the goals and expectations of the internship are clear to all concerned, before registering for this course, the student must have completed the Departmental Office the Internship Application Form (can be download below) or completed the online application process (also see below). The application must be signed by workplace supervisor, faculty advisor, internship coordinator, and student before the beginning of the internship.

Important Dates: 

The following are due to the internship advisor during a 14-week semester. The due dates for activities during the summer and winter sessions will be arranged by the faculty advisor.

To Apply for MATH/COSC 380 Credit:  

Final Presentation Requirements:

Last updated on Thursday, 06. December 2018 12:25:58 PM by Xiaohong (Sophie) Wang