The Fractal Generator is designed to display images produced from complex and real parametric dynamical systems. Its main purpose is to allow the user to experiment with their own formulas in the dynamical system. To this end, equations are not hard coded into this program, all equations are input by the user, parsed by the program, and evaluated through general expression evaluation methods. Thus, the generation of images is much slower then if the formulas had been hard coded. On the other hand, the user is not limited to viewing only specific fractal families, as they would be with programs that hard code formulas.
If you simply wish to explore the Mandelbrot set, this is not the program for you. There are far faster programs to do that out there, even freeware and open-source packages. You can explore the Mandelbrot set with this program, but other programs will be faster, many close to real-time generation. This program was written for those who wish to explore general complex and real plane iterative systems, so if you want to explore z = cosh(z^3)+ z^(1/3) + c or a Newton's Method fractal for the complex sine function (z = z - tan(z)), and are willing to give up a little speed, download and enjoy.
Version 2.x.x (V2) is a continuation of the version 1.x.x series of releases that I am not longer supporting. Since we made a substantial change to the user interface and have incorporated an option to either pre-calculate and store all color information or just the current color scheme information, which made a slight alteration to the original design, we decided to change the major version of the program.
This is a Java application, so if the Java JRE is not installed on your computer download and install the current version of the Java JRE (Version 8 or later). You can get the most current version at the Java Web Site.
Instructions: Download and run the FractalGeneratorV2_Setup.exe program and follow the instructions on the screen. This will place links to the Fractal Generator program in your Start menu.
Instructions: The Fractal Generator program is a single executable file (FractalGeneratorV2.exe) that can be run on any machine that has version 8 (or higher) of Java installed.
Instructions: Download and unzip the file. This will extract FractalGeneratorV2.jar and image files that can be used as program icons. You can run the application using the following command, or create a shortcut/menu-item using the same command in the launcher.
java -jar FractalGeneratorV2.jar
Instructions: The Java Archive (Executable JAR file) can be downloaded using the Linux & Mac download link above.
This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3
Copyright (C) 2017 Don Spickler
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details