
At this time, my anticipated offerings for the next three semesters are as follows. Please note that these offerings are subject to change.

Spring 2014:
    ENVR 499: Senior Seminar
    ENVR 305: Topics in Environmental Humanities: Wilderness: Management, History, and Culture

Fall 2014
    ENVR 499 Senior Seminar
    ENVR 300: Environment and Society: Methods and Analysis

January 2015: Intersession in India
    ENVR 495: Envl Field Studies: India

 Spring 2015
    ENVR 499 Senior Seminar
    ENVR 305: Topics in Environmental Humanities/Social Sciences

Fall 2015:
    ENVR 300: Environment and Society: Methods and Analysis (two sections)

Below you will find the primary courses I have offered in the past. 

History 101:  World Civilizations, Prehistory-1500

History 102:  World Civilizations, 1500- present

Honors 112: A More Perfect Union: Humanity's search for Utopia 

Honors 311: Metaphors for Humanity

History 386:  Wilderness and U.S. Culture
History 389:  Environmental History of the U.S.

History 392: Global Environmental History

History 483/583: Environmental History of Delmarva

History 490: Nature Wars: Ecology, Science, and the Humanities 

History 606: Seminar: 20th Century US: The Nature of US Empire

History 607: Seminar- Chesapeake and Middle Atlantic
Environmental Studies 300: Environment and Society: Methods and Analysis

Environmental Studies 305:  Topics in Environmental Humanities: Wilderness Management, History, and Culture

Environmental Studies 495: Environmental Field Studies: India

Environmental Studies 499:  Senior Seminar

