Arthur J. Lembo, Jr.
Professor, Department of Geography and
Director, Eastern Shore Regional GIS
School of Science and Technology B.S. Geography, State University of New York, College at Oneonta (1987) M.A. Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo (1989) Ph.D. , Environmental Resource Engineering, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry (1997).
Arthur Lembo joined the Salisbury faculty in 2007, after spending 7 years at Cornell University, where he won the Cornell University Faculty Innovation in Teaching Award, the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teacher of Merit, and the prestigious State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. Previous to his time at Cornell University, Dr Lembo spent 10 years in private industry implementing large-scale geographic information systems for both the public and private sector, and was President of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing’s (ASPRS) Central New York Region ( Throughout
his career, Dr. Lembo has implemented some of the larger enterprise GIS
projects within the country, and is a frequently invited speaker to a number
of conferences and workshops focused on geographic information system
technology. Dr. Lembo maintains a blog at |
Awards 2018: State of Maryland
Board of Regents Award for Teaching Excelence. Research
Program Dr. Lembo's primary research interests are in the use of
advanced information technologies for geo-processing. Lately, his research is
focused on GIS applications using smart phone technologies, enterprise GIS,
and parallel processing using PC gaming cards. Some of his research has
included: · National Science
Foundation (NSF) sponsored research to implement massively parallel
processing algorithms with ordinary PC gaming card in raster based GIS (see poster). · Kellogg Foundation sponsored research
for evaluating the potential to enhance local and regional food systems. · Maryland Governors
Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) sponsored research
for developing an Internet based crime analysis and reporting system. · Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sponsored research for implementing an Internet based GIS application for determining property locations within Maryland’s critical area. · National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored research for the Multi-Disciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) to create an Internet based GIS application to maintain and visualize earthquake related information. · United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) sponsored research for the development of an internet based spatial discovery system for agricultural and environmental information. · National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored research for the Institute of Civil Infrastructure Systems to study advanced information system technology for improved infrastructure planning and management ( · National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored research to study the performance and interrelationships of the underground infrastructure at the World Trade Center during and immediately after the attacks of September 11 (see article). · Keyspan Energy sponsored research in the development of spatial algorithms for implementing GIS technology within the gas utility industry. · NASA sponsored research for the Development of the model curriculum for Geospatial Technologies. Dr. Lembo developed two online courses: Introduction to Geospatial Information, and Business Geographics. ( During his years in the private sector, Dr. Lembo: · Provided direction to Eastman Kodak in identifying future markets for imaging. · Developed geo-processing tools for in support of e-commerce activity. · Integrated global
positioning system technology with personal digital assistant technology
(PDA) for field data collection for the Long Island Rail Road. As part of his work with the Long Island
Rail Road, Dr. Lembo is involved in the use of dynamic segmentation modeling
of linear rail networks, and the linking of very large spatial data
warehouses with traditional data warehouse technology. · Implemented enterprise based GIS at the Long Island Rail Road, Nassau County, NY, and Suffolk County, NY. Service Dr.
Lembo has an active program in assisting local municipalities, first
responder organizations, and environmental groups with implementing
geographic solutions to their needs. Recently, he has begun development
of Internet based applications for use in the Apple iPad and other
Android-based systems for the Nature Conservancy, the City of Havre de Grace,
and the Sea Gull Century. Some of the recent organizations that Dr. Lembo has assisted include the Salisbury City Police, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Public Agency for Pipeline Awareness, and Maryland Department of Natural Resources. |
Selected Publications UNDER REVIEW Kirby, S, W. Kostan, AJ Lembo. 2013.
High Performance Desktop Computing with Video Gaming Cards:
Parallelizing Raster Based Functions in GIS. URISA Journal. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 34. Sauders, Brian
D., Dr. Jon Overdevest , Esther D Fortes , Mrs. Katy Windham , Ynte Schukken , Dr. Arthur J Lembo, Dr. Martin Wiedmann. (2012) Diversity
of Listeria species in urban and natural environments. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology. American Society for
Microbiology. 33. Peters, C., N.
Bills, AJ Lembo, J Wilkins, G
Fick, 2011. Mapping Potential Foodsheds in New York State by Food Group: An Approach
for Prioritizing which Foods to Grow Locally. Renewable Agriculture and Food
Systems, volume 27, issue 02, pp. 125-137. 32. Grandt, S., Q. Ketterings, A.J. Lembo, F. Vermeylen.
2010. In-Field Spatial Variability of Soil Test Phosphorus and
Implications for Agronomic and Environmental Phosphorus Management.
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 5 • September–October 2010. 31. De
Wan, A.A., Sullivan, P.J., Lembo,
A.J., Smith, C.R., Maerz, J.C., Lassoie,
J.P., and Richmond, M.E. 2009. Using occupancy models of forest breeding
birds to prioritize conservation planning. Biol. Conserv.
142(5):982-991. 30. Stewart, J. J. Hu, R. Kayen, AJ Lembo, B. Collins, C.
Davis, and T.D. O'Rourke. 2009. Use of Airborne and
Terrestrial lidar to Detect Ground Displacement
Hazards to Water Systems. J. Surv. Engrg. Volume 135, Issue 3, pp. 113-124. American
Congress of Civil Engineering. 29. Sousa, C., R. Malecki,
A.J. Lembo, Hindman,
L. 2009. Monitoring Habitat Use by Mute Swans in the
Chesapeake Bay. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast.
Assoc. Fish and Wildl. Agencies 62:88–93. 28. Boulanger, J. R., L. L. Bigler, P. D. Curtis, D. H. Lein,
and A. J. Lembo, Jr. 2008. Comparison of suburban vaccine
distribution strategies to control raccoon rabies. Journal of Wildlife Diseases Journal of
Wildlife Diseases, 44(4), 2008, pp. 1014-1023. 27. Boulanger, J. R., L. L. Bigler, P. D. Curtis, D. H. Lein,
and A. J. Lembo, Jr. 2008. Evaluation of an oral rabies
vaccination program to control raccoon rabies in a suburbanized
landscape. Human–Wildlife Conflicts 2(2):212–224, Fall 2008 26. Lyon, S.W., J. Seibert, A.J. Lembo,
T.S. Steenhuis, and M.T. Walter 2008. A new
distance metric for interpolation of water quality along stream networks from
synoptic data, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Hydrol. Earth
Syst. Sci. Discuss., 5, 1289–1317, 2008. 25. S. Lyon, J. Seibert, A. Lembo, T. Steenhuis, and M. Walter. 2008. Incorporating
landscape characteristics in a distance metric for interpolating between
observations of stream water chemistry. Hydrology and Earth Systems
Science. European Geoscience Union. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 1229-1239,
2008. 24. Lembo, A. J., Jr., Bonneau, A., and O’Rouke, T.
D. 2008. “Integrative Technologies in
Support of GIS-Based Postdisaster Response.”
Natural Hazards Rev. 9, 61(2008). 23. Barney J.N., Whitlow T.H., Lembo
A.J. (2008) Revealing Historic
Invasion Patterns and Potential Invasion Sites for Two Non-Native Plant
Species. PLoS ONE 3(2): e1635.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001635 22. Peters, C., N. Bills, A.J. Lembo,
J. Wilkins, G. Fick. 2008. Mapping potential foodsheds
in New York State: A spatial model for evaluating the capacity to localize
food production. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 21. Lembo, A.J., L.P. Wagenet, T. Schusler, S.D. DeGloria. 2007. Creating Affordable Internet Map Server Applications
for regional scale applications. J Environ Manage. 2007 Dec;85(4):1120-31. Epub 2007 Jan 17 20. Lyon, S.W., A.J. Lembo, T.S. Steenhuis, and M.T. Walter (2006), Internet mapping tools make scientific applications easy, EOS, 87(38):386, 9/19/2006. 19. Boulanger, J. R., L. L. Bigler, P. D.
Curtis, D. H. Lein, and A. J. Lembo, Jr. 2006. A PVC bait station
for dispensing rabies vaccine to raccoons in suburban landscapes. Wildlife
Society Bulletin. 18. Davidson, R., Lembo, Jr., A., Ma, J. Nozick,
L., and O'Rourke, T. 2006. Optimization of investments in natural gas
distribution networks. Journal of Energy Engineering 132(2), 1-9. 17. Lembo, A, Lew, M., Laba, M., Baveyye, P. 2006. Use
of Spatial SQL to Assess the Practical Significance of the Modifiable Areal
Unit Problem. Computer and Geosciences. Elsevier Press, v. 32, n. 2, pp.
270-274. 16. Sauders, B.D., Durak, M.Z., Fortes, E., Windham ,
K., Schukken, Y., Lembo, A.J., Akey, B., Nightingale,
K.K., Wiedmann, M. 2006. Molecular
characterization and ecology of Listeria monocytogenes from natural and
urban. Journal of Food Protection: Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 93–105. 14.
Lembo, A, Lew, M., Laba, M., Baveyye, P. 2005. Use of Spatial SQL to Assess the Practical
Significance of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem. Computer and Geosciences. Elsevier Press, v. 32, n. 2, pp. 270-274. 13. Lyon , S.W.,
Seibert, J, Lembo, A.J., Walter,
M.T. 2005. Steenhuis, T.S. Geostatistical investigation into the
temporal evolution of spatial structure in a shallow water table. Hydrology and Earth System Science
Discussions, v. 2, n. 4. 1683-1716, 2005.
12. Sidumo, A.
Shields, E, and Lembo,
A. 2005. Estimating the Potato Leafhopper (Homoptera:
Cicadellidae) Overwintering Range and Spring Premigrant Development by Using Geographic Information
Systems. Journal of Economic Entomology, 98:03. 11. Ma, J., Scott, N., Lembo, A., and DeGloria, S. 2005. Siting analysis of farm-based
centralized anaerobic digester systems for distributed generation using
GIS. Biomass and Bioenergy, 28:6, pp. 591-600 10. Sinkevich, M. G., M.T. Walter, T. S. Steenhuis, A. J. Lembo,
B. K. Richards, and N. Peranginangin. 2005. A
GIS-based groundwater contamination risk assessment tool for pesticides.
Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation. 25 (4): 82-91. 9. Lyon, S.W.,
A.J. Lembo, M.T. Walter, T.S.
Steenhuis. 2005. Defining probability of saturation with
indicator kriging on hard and soft data.
Advances in Water Resources.
29(2):181-193. 8. Davidson, R.A., Lembo, A.J., Ma, J., Nozick, L.K.,
O’Rourke, T.D. 2005. Optimization of
Investments in Natural Gas Distribution Networks. Journal of Energy Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers. Reston, VA. 7. O’Rourke, Lembo, and Nozick, 2003.
Lessons Learned from the World Trade Center Disaster about Critical
Utility Systems. In Natural Hazards. Published by Natural Hazards Research and
Applications Information Center.
University of Colorado. 6. Gardner, Sullivan, Lembo,
2003. Predicting stream temperatures:
geostatistical model comparison using alternative distance metrics. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences. Vol. 60, no. 3,
pp. 344-351. National Research Council
Canada. 5. Lembo, O’Rourke, and
Moses, 2003. Coordinate Improvement of
Vector GIS Data Using Rubbersheet Methods. Journal of Surveying and Land
Information Science. Vol. 63, no.
1. The American Congress on Surveying
and Mapping. 4. Lembo and O’Rourke. A Historical
Review of Software Innovations in the Graphical User Interface for Rubbersheet Algorithms. Journal of Surveying and Land
Information Science. Vol. 63, no. 3.
The American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. 3. Lembo, Davidson, Nozick, and O’Rourke, 2003. Computing the Distance to Nearest Utility:
As-the-Crow Flies vs. As the Gas Flows.
Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. Vol. 30, no. 4. The American Congress on Surveying and
Mapping. 2. Lembo, 2000. The Use of
Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology for Precise
Corridor Mapping. GPS Solutions, Vol. 2, No. 4. Published by John
Wiley & Son. (invited publication, not
refereed). 1. Lembo
and Hopkins; 1998. The Use of Adjustment Computations for Improving the
Positional Accuracy of GIS Data. Journal of Surveying and Land Information
Systems, Vol. 58, No. 4. Published by the American Congress on Surveying
and Mapping. Papers published at professional meetings
Ivanek, R., Gröhn, Y.T., Wells, M.T., Lembo Jr, A.J., Sauders, B.D. and Wiedmann M.
Modeling of spatial and meteorological factors influencing Listeria isolation
from natural environments. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases
(CRWAD) Anual Meeting, December 7- 9, 2008, Chicago,
Illinois. Ivanek, R., Gröhn, Y.T., Wells, M.T., Lembo Jr, A.J., Sauders, B.D. and Wiedmann M.
Modeling of spatially referenced ecological and meteorological factors
influencing Listeria isolation from natural environments. The Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) Annual Conference,
April 1-3, 2009, London, UK. Comparison Of Coincident Terrestrial And
Airborne Lidar Datasets With Repect To Detection Of Ground Metrics And Topographic Change (American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 2008). Robert E. Kayen Jonathan P. Stewart, Arthur J. Lembo,
Jr, Jianping Hu, , Craig Davis, Brian D. Collins,
Diane Minasian, and Thomas D. O'Rourke Faison, H. M. Greene, J. Marrow, G. Mulford, A.J. Lembo, and J. Love. 2006.
Mult-disciplinary development and
application of information technology solutions in earthquake
reconnaissance. The 100 Anniversary
Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 Earthquake. San Francisco, CA. April 18-22. Lyon, S. W., J.
Seibert, A. J. Lembo, M. T.
Walter, W. J. Gburek, D. Thongs, E. Schneiderman, T. S. Steenhuis
(2005), Interpolation of Water Quality Along Stream Networks from Synoptic
Data, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H31I-06 Wagenet, L.P., M.J. Pfeffer, S.D. DeGloria, A.J. Lembo, T.J. Fahey, and G.N. Nagle.
2005. Combining physical and social
characteristics for stream management. Proc. Am. Water Res. Assoc. Seattle,
WA. 4p. Lembo and Francis,
2003. A Spatial Approach to the
Analysis of Election Results. Proceedings
of the Rural Sociological Society 66th Annual Meeting.”Spatial
Inequality: Continuity and Change in
Territorial Stratification”. Montreal
Canada, July 27-30, 2003. Lembo, Davidson, O’Rourke,
Nozick, and Ma, 2003. GIS in Support of Optimization Modeling in
the Gas Utility Industry. Proceedings
of the 23rd Annual Environmental Systems Research Institute
International User Conference. San
Diego, CA. July 7-11, 2003. O’Rourke, Lembo,
and Nozick, 2002.
Lessons Learned in Extreme Events in Crowded Urban Environments. In Proceedings. Second Annual IIASA-DPRI Meeting INTEGRATED
DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT: Megacity Vulnerability and Resilience IIASA, A-2361
Laxenburg, Austria 29 - 31 July 2002. Lembo, Annitto,
and Reilly; 1995. Automated Quality Control of Photogrammetic
Data. In Proceedings. 1995 Urban and Regional Information Systems
Association, San Antonio, Texas. Kramer and Lembo;
1989. A GIS Methodology for Large
Scale Commercial Development. In Proceedings. 1989 GIS/LIS. Orlando, Florida. Technical articles,
books, etc. Lembo, 2008. Manifold GIS. In
Encyclopedia of GIS. Sage Publications. Edited by Karen Kemp. Lembo, O’Rourke, Bonneau. 2004. Advanced Web Based GIS Management
Technology. In Research Progress and Accomplishments: A selection of
technical achievements of the multi-disciplinary center for earthquake
engineering research. National Science
Foundation EEC-9701471. Lembo, 2004. How do I do that in ArcGIS/Manifold?: Illustrating
classic GIS tasks.. Internet First University Press – Cornell
University. Lembo and DeGloria, 2001. Removal of Selective Availability: New
Opportunities for Field Data Collection. Whats
Cropping Up? Lembo, 2000. The Use of
Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology for Precise
Corridor Mapping. GPS Solutions, Vol. 2, No. 4. Published by John Wiley
& Son. Lembo, 1999. Implementing
Enterprise GIS for Government: An Example from Nassau County. Chapter 7 in Enterprise
GIS. Published by Urban and Regional Information Systems Association,
edited by Nancy Von Meyer. Lembo, 1999. Implementing
Enterprise GIS for Business: An Example from the Long Island Rail Road.
Chapter 8 in Enterprise GIS. Published by Urban and Regional
Information Systems Association, edited by Nancy Von Meyer. Extension
publications (bulletins, fact sheets, newsletters edited, training
materials/manuals for staff and clientele, etc.) Albrecht and Lembo,
2002. Basic Geographic Information
System Use for Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning. A workshop delivered to Cornell Cooperative
Extension Field Crop Educators during the Nutrient Management Spear Program's
summer retreat on September 4, 2002. Lembo, O’Rourke, Nozick, 2001.
GIS-Based Decision Support for Gas Distribution Systems: Task 2 – Identification and Selection of
Relevant Databases Keyspan Energy, Hicksville , NY . Lembo and DeGloria, 2001. Global Positioning System for Wetland
Management. Instructed Agricultural Extension Agents in
the use of global positioning system technology. This seminar include lecture, field collection
of data with GPS, and processing GPS data. Trade publications Lembo and Davis, 2005. Seeing
is learning: the use of very large images for research and teaching. Geoinformatics. January, 2005. Lembo, 2004. Manifold GIS Review. Geoworld. Adams Business Media ,
New York , New York . May 2004. Lembo, DeGloria, Sullivan, 2001.
Strategies for Teaching Geographic Information Science in a
Multi-Disciplinary University Environment.
GIS Educator. Published
by Environmental Research Institute Press. Lembo, Powers, and Gorin, 1998. The Use of Innovative Data Collection
Techniques in Support of Enterprise-wide GIS Development. Photogrammetric
Engineering and Remote Sensing. September, 1998. Internet Publications Lembo, 2003. Evaluating water system damage. Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems.http :// Lembo, 2005.
SpatialSQL. Work
Highlighted in Cornell Chronicle'Rourke-WTC.html