Internships and Research Projects

Students who choose to concentrate or even some who minor in statistics will conduct a research project, internship, or CAMS project (Direct Consulting).   See the Department criteria for general information concerning such projects.  All research projects, internships and CAMS projects must be approved by a committee.

Internships:  Often companies will contact us looking for students to work as interns.  We then pass the information along to a student who is capable of and interested in the particular job.  Some students, however, seek out their own internship. See for more details.

Please feel free to speak to me concerning your interest in an internship. 

Previous internships include:


Christian Shelter

Shore Birds

K&L Microwave

SU Office of Research, Assessment, & Accountability


Holly Community

Women Supporting Women

Research Projects:  Students may elect to pursue an undergraduate research project.  If there is a topic in statistics that you would like to study in depth beyond what is covered in the classroom, see me or your advisor about the possibility of getting a topic approved for research.

One project that was conducted jointly with a Medical Technology student and a Statistics student resulted in information concerning tylenol and alcohol.