MATH 155 - Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis

Spring 2015

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Barbara Wainwright

OFFICE:  Henson Science Hall, Room 118

PHONE: (410) 543-6477

OFFICE HOURS:               2:00 - 3:00     T

                                             9:00 - 11:00    W

                                             3:00 - 4:00      W   

                                             1:00 - 2:00       R

                                             Other hours by appointment

SECTION:     517         2:00 - 2:50        MWF    DHS 133



Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered for this course and provides you with the opportunity to attend up to 3 hours of structured study sessions per week. SI sessions are facilitated by an undergraduate student who has taken this course and excelled in the course material. Your SI leader will facilitate discussions and activities that encourage you to practice, discuss, and ask questions about the most recent lecture material. Your SI leader will give you the days and times of each SI session.  You can also find out more information about your SI leader and session information at, or by stopping by the Center for Student Achievement (GUC 213).

ATTENDANCE: You are expected to attend all class meetings. If you cannot be in class, it is your responsibility to get the class notes and assignments from a classmate not via email from me.  After obtaining the notes and reviewing them, come see me with any questions you may have.

REQUIREMENTS:      Lab & Writing assignments 10%

                                     Homework, and quizzes 15%

 Three tests 50%


 Final exam 25%*

        * A critique of a formal research article from a professional journal will be due the last day of class and count as 20% of your final exam grade.  Guidelines and procedures are provided by clicking on critique.

Homework problems from the text will be assigned on a regular basis.  These problems are for your benefit.  They will help prepare you for quizzes and tests.  You may work with others on these problems.  These may also be discussed in class if there are questions.  Rarely will these be collected for a grade. 

Other homework such as small computer assignments, practice critiques, handouts, etc. may be collected for a grade.  Assignments collected for grades are to be completed independently.  Cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs and will go on file.

Lab assignments
Lab assignments must be completed on your own with no assistance from classmates or other individuals.  If you have questions concerning lab assignments, direct these questions to me in my office or in class so that any information provided to you can be shared by others.

All written turn-in assignments must be completed in pencil or typed from the computer. NO INK PLEASE!  All solutions must be accompanied by clearly written interpretations and conclusions in complete sentences.

At the University Writing Center (directly above the Fireside Lounge in the Guerrieri University Center), trained consultants are ready to help you at any stage of the writing process. It is often helpful for writers to share their work with an attentive reader, and consultations allow writers to test and refine their ideas before having to hand papers in or to release documents to the public. In addition to the important writing instruction that occurs in the classroom and during teachers’ office hours, the center offers another site for learning about writing. All undergraduates are encouraged to make use of this important student service. For more information about the writing center’s hours and policies, visit the writing center or its website at


GRADING SCALE:              90 - 100 A

80 - 89 B

70 - 79 C

60 - 69 D

0 - 59 F


                    Lab Assignment 1 :     Fri.  Feb. 13

                    Test 1 :                       Fri.  Feb. 20

                    Test 2:                        Fri.  March 27

                    Test 3:                        Wed.  April  22

                    Lab Assignment 2 :      Fri. May 1

                   Critique:                    Mon. May 11  (Last day of class)

Final Exam:    Wednesday  May 20    1:30 - 4:00


Inclement Weather Policy


1. There are no make-up quizzes.

2. Homework and Lab assignments will not be accepted late.

3. Make-up tests are not going to be given unless a student provides sufficient evidence of a reasonable excuse. If the student knows of a problem in advance, he or she should make arrangements with me in advance. If an emergency prevents you from taking an exam, you must contact me as soon as possible.  If the absence is excused, a make-up will be given at the time of the final exam.  Documentation may be required for an excused absence.  Any unexcused absence will result in a zero on the exam.

4.  All cell phones should be turned off during class time.  Cell phones are not allowed as calculators.  NO TEXT MESSAGING!!

5.  All students need a scientific or graphing calculator.  No cell phones or PDA's.  Sharing of calculators on tests and quizzes is not allowed.