Math 155 Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis

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Course Outline

Descriptive Statistics

  1. Measures of Central Tendency
    1. mean
    2. median
    3. mode
    4. midrange
  2. Measures of Variation
  3. Measures of Relative Standing



  1. Basic Probability
  2. The experiment below simulates results of selecting balls from an urn



  3. Binomial Distribution
  4. .

    Below is an experiment involving tossing a coin n times.  The random variable "number of heads" has a binomial distribution with p=.5.  Look at what happens to the probabilities as n is increased.


  5. Normal Distribution
  6. Sampling Distributions
    1. Properties of the sampling distribution of the sample mean
    2. Central Limit Theorem

Inferential Statistics



Topics Chapter/Sec.
CI for mean; Large sample 5.1, 5.2
Hypothesis tests for mean; Large sample 6.1-6.3
Hypothesis test for mean; small sample from normal population 6.4
CI for mean; small sample from normal population 5.3
Hypothesis tests and CI; small samples from non-normal populations (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) Class Notes
Sign Test 6.6
Paired sample tests (t, Wilcoxon, Sign) 7.2, 7.5, class notes
Hypothesis Tests: 2  independent samples (z, t, Mann-Whitney) 7.1, 7.4


  1. Estimation
  2. Larry Green's Applet for Confidence Interval

  3. Hypothesis testing


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