Links for MATH 506 Mathematical Reasoning for Middle School Teachers


The Nature and Importance of Mathematical Reasoning


Twenty Questions about Mathematical Reasoning

     by Lynn Arthur Steen, St. Olaf College

NCTM Standards for Reasoning and Proof

NCTM Reasoning and Proof Standard for Grades 6–8

What Mathematical Thinking Skills Should Be Emphasized?

    A statement by Association of Symbolic Logic's Resource Group

On Mathematical Reasoning in School Mathematics

    A statement by  Ralph A. Raimi, Department of Mathematics University of Rochester

Links Specific to this Course


The Author's Companion Web Site for the Textbook

Some Sample Lessons Developed in Spring 2003 for This Course

Some Spring 2003 Class Sessions' Notes

Polya's Four-Step Problem Solving Process


Content-Related Links


Some Graph Theory Tutorials

Graph Theory Lessons

Hamilton Circuits

Algorithms for the TSP

An Introduction to Logic and Set Theory

    Authored by Lehnen,  Al  P. of Madison Area Technical College
Introduction to Logic
    An on-line text by Stefan Warner and Steven Costenoble of Hofstra University

How to Write Proofs

    Authored by Larry W. Cusick, California State University at Fresno

Fibonacci Numbers Lessons for Teachers, I

Fibonacci Numbers Lessons for Teachers, II

Symmetry Group of a Square

Activity on Symmetries of a Square (Dancing)

Links to Activities Related to Symmetry and Tessellations

NCTM, Maryland, and Other States' Resources


NCTM's E-Standards
    The full text of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics'

    "Principles and Standards" in electronic form

NCTM's "Selected Web Resources"

School Improvement in Maryland (Mathematics) - Voluntary State Curriculum (VSC)

    Instructional Strategies

    VSC Toolkit

    Core Learning Goals (CLG) Toolkit

California Mathematics Standards K-7 (V. Mathematical Reasoning)

New York State Learning Standards (Mathematical Reasoning)


Other Resources


A Library of Middle School Lessons Addressing Mathematical Reasoning

    Provided by Schools of California Online Resources for Education (SORE)

    Lessons were written by teachers selected to participate in SCORE Mathematics

    workshops. Lessons and links reflect our CA's Mathematics Standards and the

    NCTM Standards.

Discrete Math Project at the University of Colorado

The Math Forum at Drexel's Internet Mathematics Library

A Library of Interactive Math Activities

Link to a Library of Middle School Units and Lessons

Link to Some Mathematical Reasoning Puzzles


Home Page for This Course