Sample Lesson Plan Format


Please follow the format below when submitting a lesson plan. 

  1. Title of Lesson
  2. Teacher's Name 
  3. School
  4. EMail Address 
  5. Subject Area(s) 
  6. Grade Level(s) 
  7. Topics 
  8. Purpose 
  9. Materials Needed 
  10. Time Required 
  11. Lesson Procedure 
  12. Explorations and Extensions 
  13. Assessment/Evaluation Tool(s) and Opportunities 
  14. Appropriate Content Standards Connections 
  15. Internet Sites of Interest Related to this Topic 
  16. Personal Comments from the Author 
  17. Date 
  18. Peer or Student Feedback 

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View Steve Hetzler's home page.
View Bob Tardiff's home page.