COSC-320   Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Course Schedule



Topic Note
1   Asymptotic Analysis  Read: Handout Asymptotic Analysis; Cormen's Chapter 1: 1-3; Ford's Chapter 3.3

Recursion & Master Theorem

Read: Handouts Recursion, Master Theorem; Cormen's  Chapter 1: 4.5;  Ford's Chapter 3.6-7

Binary Search Trees

Read: Cormen's  Chapter 12;  Ford's Chapter 10
4   Set and Map Read:  Ford's Chapter 11; Cormen's  Chapter VIII B
5   Hash Tables Read: Cormen's  Chapter 11;  Ford's Chapter 12.1-5

Red-Black trees

Read: Cormen's  Chapter 13;  Ford's Chapter 12.6-7
7   Heaps, Heap Sort, Priority Queues Read: Cormen's  Chapter 7;  Ford's Chapter 14.1-3
8   Graphs & Graph Traversal Read: Cormen's  Chapter 22;  Ford's Chapter 16.1-5
9   Graph-Minimization  Read: Cormen's  Chapter 23;  Ford's Chapter 16.6
10   Divide and Conquer Algorithms Read: Cormen's  Chapter 4;  Ford's Chapter 15.1
11   Greedy Algorithms Read: Cormen's  Chapter 16; Ford's Chapter 14.8
12   Dynamic Programming Read: Cormen's  Chapter 15; Ford's Chapter 16.4
13   Optional topics: stable matching  
14   Project presentation  

Final Exam



Last updated  01/23/2020


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