Research ExperienceS for Undergraduates


Exercise - Explore Emerging Computing in Science and Engineering








Photo Gallery





2023 REU Photos

2 023 REU Class 



2022 REU Photos

2022 REU Class 

Introductions at first day




Met with UMCP REU students/faculty 



Students presenting their research       


10 year REU anniversary cake


2021 REU Photos


2021 REU Class 
Welcome and Introduction


                     Invited Speakers online



Presentation Day

Had Fun!



2019 REU Photos



2019 REU Class 

Dr. Michael Scott,  Dean of Henson School of Science & Technology talked to REU students



Visitors from Girls Innovation Academy


REU students presented their research at conferences


2018 REU Photos



2018 REU Class 


REU-Exercise met with  REU-CAAR  at UMCP


Girls Innovation Academy visitors


Former REU student visit and industry panel

NASA Wallops field trip

Dinner together



Posters session at SU Henson Summer Research Symposium



2017 REU Photos



2017 REU Class         



REU-Exercise met with  REU-CAAR  at UMCP


High school visitors from UMES summer SEED research program 



Final oral presentation



Posters session at SU Henson Summer Research Symposium




2016 REU Photos



2016 REU Class         

2016 REU student Brandon Joyce presented his work in Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference


REU-Exercise met with  REU-CAAR  at UMCP

GRE information session held by Dr. Donald Spickler


Final oral presentation



Posters session at SU Henson Summer Research Symposium



2015 REU Photos



2015 REU Class


NASA Wallops field trip


Summer Research luncheon Celebration


REU-Exercise met with  REU-CAAR  at UMCP


High school visitors from SU STEM summer Camp


Dean, Chairs, and faculty mentors talked to REU students


Final presentation and posters session at SU Henson Summer Research Symposium




2014 REU Photos




2014 REU Class



    High school visitors from SU STEM summer Camp





REU-Exercise met with  REU-CAAR  at UMCP




NASA Wallops field trip



Posters session at SU Henson Summer Research Symposium




2013 REU Photos



2013 REU Class


High school students from Summer High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) visited REU site

UMBC field trip

REU students visited UMBC High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF)


Salisbury Exercise REU site students  met with UMBC High Performance Computing REU site students


Dr. Janet Rutledge, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School of UMBC and Dr. Matthias Gobbert, Program Director of UMBC HPC REU site director and Associate Director of CIRC gave talks to REU students





NASA Wallops field trip



Final oral presentation


Project posters session at SU Henson Summer Research Symposium




2012 REU Photos




2012 REU students Josh and Pedro present their work in IEEE/ACM SC12 conference


2012 REU Class


Dr. Clifton Griffin, Dean of Graduate Studies & Research, Dr. Karen Olmstead,  Dean of Henson School of Science & Technology, and Dr. Michael Bardzell, Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science Department,  talked with REU students



REU students visited range control center in NASA Wallops



REU students visited horizontal integration facility in NASA Wallops




REU students visited Johns Hopkins DataScope and HHPC (Homewood High Performance Computing) Data Center




REU students visited Robotorium at Johns Hopkins University



Professor Randal Burns from Johns Hopkins University visited REU site and gave a guest lecture



Crash courses and guest lectures



Professor Yaohang Li from Old Dominion University visited REU site and gave a guest lecture


REU students met local high school students from Summer High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP)


Final presentation and poster sessions


REU students had FUN!




Last revision 11/04/2023