
Philosophers in Montana Symposium


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"Reading the Book of Job"

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Philosophers in Montana Symposium

The First Alumni Gathering of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Montana

Philosophy Department Faculty in 1979

Dick Walton, Fred McGlynn, Maxine Van de Wetering, Ron Perrin, Albert Borgmann, Phil Fandozzi, Brian Black, Tom Birch, John Lawry, Cynthia Schuster, Ed Marvin Henry Bugbee, Ray Lanfear, Tom Huff and Burke Townsend

Place: The Presidents Room in Brantly Hall on the campus of the University of Montana. 

Reception Date: 2:30 pm. Thursday Afternoon, June 16, 2005

Registration:  A fee of $25.00(single)/35.00(couple) will be charged to cover costs associated with the reception.  A registration form will be sent out soon and will also be available on this website.

Alumni are particularly invited to all the events occurring as part of the Philosophers in Montana Symposium.  See links to the left.

For questions, please contact:

James Hatley, Director.  Email:  Telephone:  410-677-5072

Burke Townsend, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, University of Montana       Email: Telephone:  406-243-5233.